Value calculation with parameters when using sp_executesql

  • When using sp_executesql, is it possible to "evaluate" a function? In other words, is there anyway to produce "@SQL 1"'s result by passing a parameter (@avcs) equaling the calculation ('AVG(clean_sale_price)') and not "hardcoding" the calculation by appending strings (i.e., SET @sql = 'SELECT @r_id ' + @avcs)?

    @SQL 1:

    SELECT @r_id, @b_id, @ce_id, @dd, @fs_id, @c_id, @erli, AVG(clean_sale_price)

    FROM [dbo].[tbl_pa_products] AS p

    JOIN [dbo].[tbl_pa_product_details] AS pd ON pd.fk_product_id = p.pk_product_id

    JOIN [dbo].[tbl_pa_batch_information] AS b ON p.parser_batch_id = b.pk_batch_id

    AND p.fk_retailer_id = b.fk_retailer_id

    WHERE b.analytic_date = @dd

    AND p.fk_retailer_id = @r_id

    @SQL 2:

    SELECT @r_id, @b_id, @ce_id, @dd, @fs_id, @c_id, @erli, @avcs

    FROM [dbo].[tbl_pa_products] AS p

    JOIN [dbo].[tbl_pa_product_details] AS pd ON pd.fk_product_id = p.pk_product_id

    JOIN [dbo].[tbl_pa_batch_information] AS b ON p.parser_batch_id = b.pk_batch_id

    AND p.fk_retailer_id = b.fk_retailer_id

    WHERE b.analytic_date = @dd

    AND p.fk_retailer_id = @r_id

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql,

    N'@r_id INT, @b_id INT, @ce_id INT, @fs_id INT, @erli INT, @c_id INT, @dd DATETIME, @avcs VARCHAR(MAX)',

    @r_id = @retailer_id,

    @b_id = @brand_id,

    @ce_id = @corporate_entity_id,

    @fs_id = @fk_statistic_id,

    @c_id = @classification_id,

    @erli = @exclude_retailer_list_id,

    @dd = @data_date,

    @avcs = @analytic_value_calculation_string

    Result of @SQL 1:

    8NULLNULL2008-08-03 00:00:00.00042NULLNULL161.1198

    Result of @SQL 2:

    8NULLNULL2008-08-03 00:00:00.00042NULLNULLAVG(clean_sale_price)

    8NULLNULL2008-08-03 00:00:00.00042NULLNULLAVG(clean_sale_price)

    8NULLNULL2008-08-03 00:00:00.00042NULLNULLAVG(clean_sale_price)

    8NULLNULL2008-08-03 00:00:00.00042NULLNULLAVG(clean_sale_price)

    8NULLNULL2008-08-03 00:00:00.00042NULLNULLAVG(clean_sale_price)

  • You're passing a constant text string to your parm. Try adding the avg string to your dynamic SQL (@SQL) before you execute it.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Bob Hovious (11/17/2008)

    You're passing a constant text string to your parm. Try adding the avg string to your dynamic SQL (@SQL) before you execute it.

    Are you referring to something like this:

    SET @sql = N'SELECT @r_id, @b_id, @ce_id, @dd, @fs_id, @c_id, @erli, ' + @analytic_value_calculation_string

    If so, I was trying to avoid appending strings (i.e., @sql = 'SELECT @r_id ' + @analytic_value_calculation_string) to prevent SQL injection attacks. However, I'm not sure if there's any other way to do this.

  • I don't know of one, so I'll bow out.

    However, I don't understand your concern about insertions if you are building strings under your own control. I am guessing that the AVG(clean_sale_price) function could change. If you were writing it to build strings out of values passed from a column or variable supplied by a UI, I could understand. Is that your intention?

    If not, how can the following expose you to an insertion attack?

    set @sql = 'select AVG(clean_sale_price) from fooTable'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql

    If so, consider passing a numeric parameter and have a case statement to determine which function to use.

    Good luck.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Bob Hovious (11/19/2008)

    However, I don't understand your concern about insertions if you are building strings under your own control. I am guessing that the AVG(clean_sale_price) function could change. If you were writing it to build strings out of values passed from a column or variable supplied by a UI, I could understand. Is that your intention?

    Yes, that's my intention. The UI could choose from any set of columns for the AVG.

    If so, consider passing a numeric parameter and have a case statement to determine which function to use.

    That's a good idea. Thanks for the info.

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