Validate rows in 2 tables and write log

  • Hi,

    I'm having 2 tables with old and new project numbers, If project number in Table A matches with Project Number in Table B, Then i need to update the Table A project number with its equivalent New project number located in Table B.

    For that i;ve written the below query which worked fine, But now my requirement has been changed to:

    I need to iterate through all the rows in Table A and Table B, If match found i need to INSERT a record in a new table which should store Project number(Varchar), IsProjNumConverted (Bit (0,1))

    How can i do this using CASE statement>?




    dbo.Incident_Info .Proj_ID = x.INVC_PROJ_ID


    dbo.Incident_Info i

    left outer join Repository.dbo.PROJ_ID_XREF x on x.PROJ_ID=i.Proj_ID


  • So, you need to compare TableA and TableB and only if match is found insert into TableC ? Match on what? Old and Old? New and New? Both?

    How do you determine value of the IsProjNumConverted flag?

    --Vadim R.

  • I haven't tested this since there was no test data supplied, but I think this should work.

    Insert into MergeTable (Project number, IsProjNumConverted)

    Select Coalesce(x.proj_id,i.proj_id) as projID,


    When x.proj_id is not null then 1

    else 0

    End Converted

    FROM dbo.Incident_Info i

    left outer join Repository.dbo.PROJ_ID_XREF x on x.PROJ_ID=i.Proj_ID

  • thermanson (8/27/2012)

    I haven't tested this since there was no test data supplied, but I think this should work.

    Insert into MergeTable (Project number, IsProjNumConverted)

    Select Coalesce(x.proj_id,i.proj_id) as projID,


    When x.proj_id is not null then 1

    else 0

    End Converted

    FROM dbo.Incident_Info i

    left outer join Repository.dbo.PROJ_ID_XREF x on x.PROJ_ID=i.Proj_ID


    The query is working fine, But i need to display the project number even though there is no match found with project id in table b. The result set is coming like below when i execute your query,









    Only for matched records i can see the project number, But i also need to see Project Number for NO case also. How can i acheive this?


  • I need to write both the cases,

    If match found in table A and table B, Then i need to write the output like

    Table A ProjNumber Table B ProjNumber IsMatchFound

    1234 1234 Y

    1234 0000 N

    I need to trace for which project numbers, there was no match found..

    Please help me out..


  • If you can't or won't correct your design as suggested by Joe, use the MERGE statement as suggested by Sandeep.


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