Using variables with IN clause

  • I am trying to feed a comma separated list of integers into a function as an nvarchar(3000) and use it in an IN clause

    The select statement tries to convert the nvarchar to int before running the select and gives an error

    Syntax error converting the nvarchar value '21419, 21196' to a column of data type int

    Is there a way to do this?


    DECLARE @Organization_IDs NVARCHAR(3000)

    SET @Organization_IDs = '21419, 21196'

    SELECT @ERIDs = ISNULL(@ERIDs + ', ', '') +Convert(nvarchar(20),ERID)



    Organization_ID IN (@Organization_IDs)

    Print @ERIDs

    Note, the preview removed the plus sign before the Convert?




  • I had this same problem recently and the article that Jonathan linked to is where I found the best solution. A collegue had shown me a solution, but after I read the article is turned out to be the worst!

    Anyhow, the best solution is to use a temporary table in your SP. The problem is that it sees @Organization_IDs as a single string instead of an array of integers. To fix this, push the integers into a temporary table and perform the IN clause against that table. Try the following code:

    DECLARE @ERIDs nvarchar(3000)

    CREATE TABLE #Organizaion_IDs

    OrgID int


    INSERT INTO #Organizaion_IDs (OrgID) VALUES (21419)

    INSERT INTO #Organizaion_IDs (OrgID) VALUES (21196)

    SELECT @ERIDs = ISNULL(@ERIDs + ', ', '') +Convert(nvarchar(20),ERID)



    Organization_ID IN (SELECT OrgID FROM #Organization_IDs)

    Print @ERIDs

    Let me know if this works.

    Troy Tabor

    Web Applications Project Manger

    Choice Solutions LLC

  • The article Jonathan linked to was perfect. The temp table solution is easy to use and works great.


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