Using variable in WHERE clause on sysobjects

  • This select statement works...

    select * from db.dbo.sysobjects where name = 'procedurename'

    But this one does not...

    @Object = 'procedurename'

    select * from db.dbo.sysobjects where name = @Object


  • beets me, I tried the following in the master database and it works perfectly, the only thing I can see from your post is that you didn't declare the variable first and didn't set the variable to what you want to look for.

    Use Master
    declare @object varchar(50)
    set @Object = 'sp_monitor'
    select * from dbo.sysobjects where name = @Object
  • Look up dynamic SQL on this site.  Be sure to do the following: 

    Reasons to be reluctant or/and mindful of dynamic SQL can be found here. Do read it. 'The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL'

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Nice article, but it doesn't really help me with my problem.  Other than the suggestion to build a SQL Statement in a string and execute it.  Is that what you are suggesting?

  • There's just no need for dynamic sql here, check this out :

    Declare @Object as varchar(25)

    set @Object = 'SysObjects'

    Select * from master.dbo.SysObjects where name = 'SysObjects'


    Select * from master.dbo.SysObjects where name = @Object

  • Remi and Mike are correct.  Please disregard my idiocy.... 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • I wasn't born stupid - I had to study

    You might have studied too hard . (no hurt intended)

  • Well, I WAS born stupid.  It ended up being an ID10T error.  The variable wasn't being set correctly.

    Sorry for the false alarm

  • NP... some of us have figured out it would be something like this. Glad you did too .

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