May 5, 2010 at 8:02 am
Hi All
I'm sure that someone will have the answer and I'm sure it will be an easy answer as well.
I've got a flat file which list a bunch of programs on the mainframe. When I list it, some of the first lines show which library it is in. When I get to the row data, it shows again the program name, type, cateloged etc.
I want to get the library data from the input row, and then lateron use it again when I find the program name, Example
1Logon accepted to library [highlight=#ffff11]TVD[/highlight].
1NEXT L * *
1 13:03:18 ***** NATURAL LIST COMMAND ***** 2010-05-05
User TVD001 - List * * - Library TVD
+ TVD001 - List * * - TVD
+ TVD001 - List * * - TVD
0 Name Type S/C SM Version User-ID Date Time Code Page
-------- ----------- --- -- ------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------------------------
[highlight=#ffff11]AA [/highlight]Program S S 2.2.07 FCZ064 1996-09-04 15:45:10
[highlight=#ffff11]ABPAY [/highlight]Subprogram S/C S 2.2.08 CAD026 1998-06-19 14:33:04
[highlight=#ffff11]ABSACRE [/highlight]Program S S 2.3.03 FCZ090 2000-03-25 15:12:13
The first highlight is the library and the seconds are the programs. I need to populate them into 3 rows, each with the library and program name in the row details.
I need to assign a global variable to the library when I read it in and then use it later on in the processing to assing again to a output row, but the variable is not avaiable to use only later on in the postexcute.
Hope this makes sense
May 5, 2010 at 8:18 am
you talk about using the variable as the output row so I assume you are talking about using a script transform in a data flow is that correct?
If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.
May 5, 2010 at 10:56 pm
Hi Dan, Yes that correct. I need to read in a value in row 10 for example and then use that 1 value later on when I get to the rest of the data and then populating the DB with the row data as well as the 1 value read in.
Sorry about the posting layout as well, I had to rush out urgently yesterday when I posted the message.
May 5, 2010 at 10:58 pm
Phil Parkin (5/5/2010)
You can assign values to variables within a Script Component if you use the VariableDispenser class.See more here.
I saw that someone mentioned the VariableDispenser class but could not find any examples on, thanks for the link and I'll let you know what I figure out there. Many thanks
May 6, 2010 at 4:24 am
Well the answer was easy. The problem was that I didnt think!
In the script component in the data flow, I wanted to get a value out of a row being read and then use that value in the following line. If you look at the script the Input0_ProcessInputRow cant access a variable and set, (I did try the variable dispenser as well, but could not get any luck with it), but what you can do is to create a variable outside of the sub routine, that simple!
Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent
Public sLibrary As String = ""
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim sString As String
'** going to check against it so make sure that there is no values in it
Row.ObjectName = ""
If Mid(Row.AllData, 1, 27) = "1Logon accepted to library " Then
sLibrary = Replace(Mid(Row.AllData, 28, 8), ".", "")
End If
If Mid(Row.AllData, 26, 3) = "S/C" _
And Mid(Row.AllData, 1, 16) <> "0 Name Type" Then
Row.Library = sLibrary
May 6, 2010 at 4:28 am
I'm afraid you threw me off the track when you called it a global variable.
VariableDispenser gives you access to package- or task-scoped variables - not locally declared variables within your script modules, which are scoped within only the script.
May 6, 2010 at 4:56 am
Hi Phil, sorry about that, but yesterday was mad and I really needed a solution thats why the post.
But if I just used the correct terms......Something I've always struggled with 😀
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