using "use database" and openrowset

  • Hi all,

    I am beating my head around this and can't figure out how to do it.

    What I am trying is to get information via Openrowset from a remote SQL Server (either 2005 or 2008).

    This is my code:

    SELECT a.*

    FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=TheServer;Trusted_Connection=yes;',

    'SELECT ps.database_id, ps.OBJECT_ID,



    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS ps

    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS b ON ps.OBJECT_ID = b.OBJECT_ID

    AND ps.index_id = b.index_id


    This runs fine, as long as I am interested in the index information from the master database.

    But I cannot bring it to return me information for a user database. Obviously, I cannot do a

    Use <MyDB>



    since the first statement returns no rows.

    Is there anyone with a solution?

    I tried doing it via linked servers as well and a select from server.database.schema etc, but got an error returned stating that the server is not configured for rpc 🙁

    Any help about this would be really appreciated!

    Thanks in advance for your time

  • instead of using use dbname command use database name as prefix in select query like dbname.sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, hope this will help you.


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  • yes, thanks. that solved the immediate problem - I was slapping my head tonight when i realized that i just didn't think about this solution 🙂

    But the more general problem was not so easy to fix. it just seems impossible to do a multi command statement through openquery. The only solution I found in the end was to set it up as a linked server and then I could issue multiple statements easily. Thought I would get around the linkedservers, but well 🙂

  • You can put your multiple statements in a stored procedure and then call the fully qualified stored procedure from your OPENROWSET statement.

    SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI','Server=TheServer;Trusted_Connection=yes;',

    'EXEC Databasename.dbo.Storedprocname')

  • Hi Steve,

    yes. But that requires to create them on the remote server. I ended up using linkedServers and local stored procedures to encapsulate the complex logic. The sample I posted was only that, a sample.

    I am required to query a lot of data from the remote server, and for that a linked server was the only alternative I could find..

    Thanks for all your help!

    steve-893342 (5/19/2010)

    You can put your multiple statements in a stored procedure and then call the fully qualified stored procedure from your OPENROWSET statement.

    SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI','Server=TheServer;Trusted_Connection=yes;',

    'EXEC Databasename.dbo.Storedprocname')

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