using (use)

  • Hi!

    I'm new in this group and I have a problem to use the comand, 'use <databasename>' inside a stored procedure.

    Someone know how to change the current database inside a SP, if it´s possible?

  • only way to reference objects of another database in a proc is to use the full name of the object i.e server.database.user.object

    you can possibly use dynamic sql .. i don't know whether it will help , but i've posted an example below


    DECLARE @SqlString nvarchar(200)

    SET @SqlString = 'USE pubs SELECT * FROM authors'

    EXEC (@SqlString)


  • That solution will work, but will not get you the benefits of a compiled plan. I would look for an alternative to 'use' - in my opinion(!) this is far from a best practice. Maybe you could give us more details on your problem, see if we can offer other options for solving it?


  • Usually you don't want to do this. Instead consider using a fully qualified data base name on your stored procs. If you need to build and send a query to a remote server, you might consider using OPENQUERY() to accomplish this.

  • You can also execute an SP_ stored procedure based in master on any database

    myDatabase.dbo.sp_help fred

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

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