Using top 5 max (as it were!)

  • Hello there,


    i was wondering whether there was a simple way of getting not just the max value from a table, but the top 5 max values, for example.


    My table is as such: a membership table, where a patron's new membership is added as a new record, thus they can have more than one.


    I want to know for each patron, the last 5 memberships they had by date of membership, ie

    Patronno, membershipno, dateofmembership, membershiptype, etc.


    using max(dateofmembership) somehow, can you get the last 5?


    I know there's a simple answer (i hope), but my heads about ready to implode!


    Many thanks,


  • select * from mytable where myid in (select top 5 myid from mytable order by mydatefield desc)


  • Thanks Ken, that seems to work a treat!


    Did not know you could use sub queries with an in statement to refer to the main query as it were.. you learn something knew everyday!



  • Ok.. i used the follownig code to get what i wanted

    select  a.agtrefno, a.memindex from membership a

    where a.memindex in (select top 5 c.memindex from membership c where c.agtrefno = a.agtrefno order by c.memdatevalid desc)


    where agtrefno is the patronid, memindex is the membershipid, and memdatevalid is the validation date of the membership.


    how can i get them, neatly, into a format such as

    agtrefno | memindex1| memindex2| memindex3| memindex4| memindex5


    without using lots of horrible code and left joins..?


    any suggestions?



  • Warning... most of those sub-queries contain inequality comparsisons that form triangular joins... I haven't looked super close at them but triangular joins normally mean "Death By SQL" on larger record sets... keep an eye on them.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • Put the results of your query into a temp table and use the following

    SELECT a.agtrefno,

    MAX(CASE WHEN a.[ID]=1 THEN a.memindex ELSE null END) AS [memindex1],

    MAX(CASE WHEN a.[ID]=2 THEN a.memindex ELSE null END) AS [memindex2],

    MAX(CASE WHEN a.[ID]=3 THEN a.memindex ELSE null END) AS [memindex3],

    MAX(CASE WHEN a.[ID]=4 THEN a.memindex ELSE null END) AS [memindex4],

    MAX(CASE WHEN a.[ID]=5 THEN a.memindex ELSE null END) AS [memindex5]

    FROM (SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #temptable c WHERE c.agtrefno=b.agtrefno AND c.memindex<=b.memindex) AS [ID],

    b.agtrefno, b.memindex

    FROM #temptable b) a

    GROUP BY a.agtrefno

    ORDER BY a.agtrefno

    providing memindex is not duplicated

    adding appropriate index to temp table will also speed up the query


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