Using the Blocked Process Report in SQL Server 2005/2008

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Using the Blocked Process Report in SQL Server 2005/2008

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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  • This looks like a good way to track blocking (much more proactive than the monitor window...) but what kind of performance hit will the server take? I have some blocking issues in my production server that I need to resolve but I don't want to add to the problem by running an additional process. I may be answering my own question but I guess any blocking would put more strain on the server anyway so resolving that quickly would be more essential.

    Should this trace run all the time?

    What about cleaning up the trace file?

    Thanks - great article!

  • The blocked process monitor is actually piggy backing on the deadlock monitor background thread, which is always running, so impact is very minimal. This is covered in the BOL topic for the option:

    It also states that the reporting is done on a best effort basis, without guarantees for real-time or close to real time.

    I don't recommend that you run this, just to have it running. I only use this when I have a need to look for specific blocking, or I suspect blocking to be the cause of a performance degradation.

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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  • Very useful one ...

  • I don't know whether to always believe the blocked process report. At times I see lots of purported blocking like this, where one select statement is supposedly blocking another. As you can see, we're using the default isolation level, read committed. ( I altered the hostname and loginname fields, and had to replace the ">" with "]" to get the xml to appear in this post for some reason).

    If nothing else, the blocked process report does not tell me how/why one query is blocking another.

    <blocked-process-report monitorLoop="1649082"]


    <process id="process38132e8" taskpriority="0" logused="0" waitresource="PAGE: 17:4:94458" waittime="87078" ownerId="13262486200" transactionname="SELECT" lasttranstarted="2008-12-03T13:23:16.110" XDES="0x4e10c8558" lockMode="S" schedulerid="2" kpid="5372" status="suspended" spid="98" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" transcount="0" lastbatchstarted="2008-12-03T13:23:16.110" lastbatchcompleted="2008-12-03T13:23:16.110" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="xxx" hostpid="7216" loginname="xxx" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="13262486200" currentdb="17" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128056"]


    <frame line="1" sqlhandle="0x020000003c2fd4171752b341f4fb2e78c4fd25a39d3268cb"/]

    <frame line="1" sqlhandle="0x02000000272ffe37c5c986299be2ada0f87a7d86ca14ff81"/]



    select count(*) from employees where client_id=11343 and isadmin=1 </inputbuf]




    <process status="suspended" waitresource="PAGE: 17:4:94458" waittime="100500" spid="161" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" transcount="0" lastbatchstarted="2008-12-03T13:23:02.657" lastbatchcompleted="2008-12-03T13:23:02.657" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="xxx" hostpid="7216" loginname="xxx" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="13262406360" currentdb="17" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128056"]


    <frame line="1" sqlhandle="0x0200000066da5526607b1b624239a36f488fec861b4ab401"/]

    <frame line="1" sqlhandle="0x02000000b4e2201f1eda6c0a562330100b742a51c5d4d9f1"/]



    select count(*) from employees where client_id=34273 and isadmin=1 </inputbuf]




  • Don,

    Something happened to your report, but all that came through were the select statements. Can you repost the blocked process report?

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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  • Sorry, I edited my post. My xml was getting eaten when I posted so I replace the close ">" with right bracket "]"

  • Don,

    Have you resolved this, and if not, what is the table/index definition for employees? Is there an index on the clientid column and what is the datatype for that column? Your blocked on a page, so I am guessing that you get lock escalation as a scan is occuring on the clustered index to find the rows that have the respective clientid's and that a index addition to the clientid column would resolve the problem. Can you post the execution plan of one of those statements?

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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  • Jonathan, thanks for looking at this. No, I haven't resolved it.

    Client_Id is an integer column; there's an index on it:

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [Employees_Client_id] ON [dbo].[Employees]


    [Client_ID] ASC,

    [DivID] ASC,

    [EmpID] ASC,

    [Deleted] ASC


    The query in question references both Client_Id and the bit column isadmin.

    select count(*) from employees where client_id=11343 and isadmin=1

    Since isadmin is not part of that index the query performs nested loop lookups of the clustered index. Here's the query plan.

    |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE: ([Expr1003]=CONVERT_IMPLICIT(int,[Expr1008],0)))

    |--Stream Aggregate(DEFINE: ([Expr1008]=Count(*)))

    |--Filter(WHERE: ([phoenix].[dbo].[Employees].[IsAdmin]=(1)))

    |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES: ([phoenix].[dbo].[Employees].[EmpID], [Expr1007]) WITH UNORDERED PREFETCH)

    |--Index Seek(OBJECT: ([phoenix].[dbo].[Employees].[Employees_Client_id]), SEEK: ([phoenix].[dbo].[Employees].[Client_ID]=(11343)) ORDERED FORWARD)

    |--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT: ([phoenix].[dbo].[Employees].[PK_Employees]), SEEK: ([phoenix].[dbo].[Employees].[EmpID]=[phoenix].[dbo].[Employees].[EmpID]) LOOKUP ORDERED FORWARD)

    I could add isadmin as an included column in the index which might or might not resolve the issue, but more importantly I want to understand just how one select query can block another. I didn't think that could happen. What could be getting locked?

  • Thanks Jonathan. This one came in handy today.

  • Which commands and in which order do I have to execute to stop/remove this trace?

    The best things in life are the simple things

  • You would use sp_trace_setstatus to remove the trace. You'd have to get the traceid from the sys.traces DMV and then you can remove the trace:

    -- Find the TraceID for the session in sys.traces

    select * from sys.traces

    -- Stop and Remove TraceID 2 from the server

    exec sp_trace_setstatus 2, 2

    Jonathan Kehayias | Principal Consultant | MCM: SQL Server 2008
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    Troubleshooting SQL Server: A Guide for Accidental DBAs[/url]

  • I'm monitoring the whole SQL Server environment with the blocked process report.

    I'm running this process in background as a job to get the informations.

    The problem is that it generated a lot of lines of blocked informations and I'm having issues to parse the information.

    Is there any script that I could get only the sqlhandle and the line of the object of the blocked and blocking process? That's all I need.

    Anyone can help me?


  • How reliable is the information generated in the blocked process report?

    I'm asking that because we let the report on for several days and when we parsed the information, we had some unusual locks, like a table being blocked by another that is not related to the blocking table.

    The only reliable information we had was the blocked process.

    Does anyone know something related to this?

    Thanks in advance

  • This script might get what you want:


    WaitTime = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocked-process[1]/process[1]/@waittime','varchar(20)' ),

    BlockingQuery = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '(/blocked-process-report/blocking-process/process/inputbuf)[1]','varchar(200)'),

    BlockingSpid = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocking-process[1]/process[1]/@spid','varchar(20)' ),

    BlockingLastBatchStarted = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocking-process[1]/process[1]/@lastbatchstarted','varchar(20)' ),

    BlockingSQLHandle = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocking-process[1]/process[1]/executionStack[1]/frame[1]/@sqlhandle','varchar(50)' ),

    BlockingStmtstart = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocking-process[1]/process[1]/executionStack[1]/frame[1]/@stmtstart','varchar(50)' ),

    BlockingStmtend = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocking-process[1]/process[1]/executionStack[1]/frame[1]/@stmtend','varchar(50)' ),

    BlockedQuery = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '(/blocked-process-report/blocked-process/process/inputbuf)[1]','varchar(200)'),

    BlockedSpid = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocked-process[1]/process[1]/@spid','varchar(20)' ),

    BlockedLastBatchStarted = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocked-process[1]/process[1]/@lastbatchstarted','varchar(20)' ),

    BlockedSQLHandle = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocked-process[1]/process[1]/executionStack[1]/frame[1]/@sqlhandle','varchar(50)' ),

    BlockedStmtstart = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocked-process[1]/process[1]/executionStack[1]/frame[1]/@stmtstart','varchar(50)' ),

    BlockedStmtend = cast( textdata as xml ).value( '/blocked-process-report[1]/blocked-process[1]/process[1]/executionStack[1]/frame[1]/@stmtend','varchar(50)' )

    from dbo.Feb02 t

    where eventclass = 137

    order by BlockedLastBatchStarted

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