Using temp table to SELECT values from another table

  • 1.) I have a table of daily stock prices - symbol, date, open, high, low, close

    2.) I have a temp table that is essentially a list of symbols

    3.) I want to use the temp tables list of stocks to select closes from the first table

    4.) The selection of rows should output as...

    Date | CloseSymbol1 | CloseSymbol2 | CloseSymbol3 | ... | CloseSymbolN

    Where N is the number of symbols int the temp table.

    I have this so far which provides all the closes in a single column. All help is appreciated.

    CREATE TABLE #TempSymbolList


    TempSymbol VARCHAR(10)


    INSERT INTO #TempSymbolList (TempSymbol) VALUES ('AAPL')

    INSERT INTO #TempSymbolList (TempSymbol) VALUES ('AMD')

    INSERT INTO #TempSymbolList (TempSymbol) VALUES ('INTC')

    INSERT INTO #TempSymbolList (TempSymbol) VALUES ('MSFT')

    SELECT qdb.Date, qdb.Close AS CloseA

    FROM StockQuote qdb

    INNER JOIN #TempSymbolList ON qdb.Symbol = #TempSymbolList.TempSymbol


    DROP TABLE #TempSymbolList

  • Please post the DDL and some sample Data of the table DailyStockPrices also.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • This will create a table of the stock data, I stripped out everything but the close ( no open,high low)

    USE [StockQuoteDB]

    -- create the stock Quote Table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StockQuote](

    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [xSymbol] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [xDate] [int] NOT NULL,

    [xClose] [decimal](18, 4) NOT NULL,


    -- Put some data into the table

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('MSFT', 100, 100.5)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('MSFT', 101, 101.5)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('MSFT', 102, 102.6)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('MSFT', 103, 101.3)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('MSFT', 104, 99.6)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('MSFT', 105, 103.1)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AAPL', 100, 600.5)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AAPL', 101, 601.5)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AAPL', 102, 602.6)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AAPL', 103, 601.3)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AAPL', 104, 599.6)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AAPL', 105, 603.1)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AMD', 100, 200.5)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AMD', 101, 201.5)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AMD', 102, 202.6)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AMD', 103, 201.3)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AMD', 104, 299.6)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('AMD', 105, 203.1)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('XYZ', 100, 900.5)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('XYZ', 101, 901.5)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('XYZ', 102, 902.6)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('XYZ', 103, 901.3)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('XYZ', 104, 999.6)

    INSERT INTO StockQuote (xSymbol, xDate, xClose) VALUES ('XYZ', 105, 903.1)

    -- Create Temp Table of symbols

    CREATE TABLE #TempSymbolList


    TempSymbol VARCHAR(10)


    INSERT INTO #TempSymbolList (TempSymbol) VALUES ('AAPL')

    INSERT INTO #TempSymbolList (TempSymbol) VALUES ('AMD')

    INSERT INTO #TempSymbolList (TempSymbol) VALUES ('MSFT')

    SELECT qdb.xDate, qdb.xClose AS CloseA

    FROM StockQuote qdb

    INNER JOIN #TempSymbolList ON qdb.xSymbol = #TempSymbolList.TempSymbol

    ORDER BY qdb.xDate ASC

    DROP TABLE #TempSymbolList

    DROP TABLE StockQuote

  • Try below Query

    SELECT qdb.xDate,

    sum(case when t.TempSymbol='AAPL' then qdb.xClose end) 'AAPL',

    sum(case when t.TempSymbol='AMD' then qdb.xClose end) 'AMD',

    sum(case when t.TempSymbol='MSFT' then qdb.xClose end) 'MSFT'

    FROM StockQuote qdb

    INNER JOIN #TempSymbolList t ON qdb.xSymbol = t.TempSymbol

    group by qdb.xDate

    ORDER BY qdb.xDate ASC

    or use pivot table

  • The method you want is either a Crosstab query or the PIVOT function, but the problem with both of those is you typically want to know how many columns you're going to produce to the receiver.

    If you're not always sure of how many columns you're going to return, you're looking at performing a dynamic pivot, which can get kind of hairy.

    I'll leave you with that for now so you can work on it on your own for a bit or until someone else can try to tackle it in the meanwhile, else I'll try to provide you the code as I think I understand what you're looking for in the morning.

    - Craig Farrell

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Evil Kraig F (6/5/2012)

    The method you want is either a Crosstab query or the PIVOT function, but the problem with both of those is you typically want to know how many columns you're going to produce to the receiver.

    If you're not always sure of how many columns you're going to return, you're looking at performing a dynamic pivot, which can get kind of hairy.

    I'll leave you with that for now so you can work on it on your own for a bit or until someone else can try to tackle it in the meanwhile, else I'll try to provide you the code as I think I understand what you're looking for in the morning.

    You are correct, the number of columns will change or vary. I will search for "dynamic pivot".

  • Is this what you have i mind?

    --Static Pivot

    Select xDATE, [MSFT] As CloseSymbol1, [AAPL] As CloseSymbol2, [AMD] As CloseSymbol3 From

    (Select A.* From StockQuote as A

    JOIN #TempSymbolList as B ON A.xSymbol = B.TempSymbol) As C


    (max(xSymbol) For xSymbol IN ([MSFT], [AAPL], [AMD])) pvt

    --Dynamic Pivot

    Declare @cols varchar(max), @sql varchar(max)

    Declare @tbl Table(Cols varchar(10))

    Insert into @tbl

    Select Distinct TempSymbol From #TempSymbolList

    Select @cols = Coalesce(@cols + ', ', '') + QUOTENAME(Cols) From @tbl

    Set @sql = 'Select xDATE, '+@cols+' From

    (Select A.* From StockQuote as A

    JOIN #TempSymbolList as B ON A.xSymbol = B.TempSymbol) As C


    (max(xSymbol) For xSymbol IN ('+@cols+')) pvt'

    Execute (@sql)

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • vinu512 (6/5/2012)

    Is this what you have i mind?

    --Static Pivot

    Select xDATE, [MSFT] As CloseSymbol1, [AAPL] As CloseSymbol2, [AMD] As CloseSymbol3 From

    (Select A.* From StockQuote as A

    JOIN #TempSymbolList as B ON A.xSymbol = B.TempSymbol) As C


    (max(xSymbol) For xSymbol IN ([MSFT], [AAPL], [AMD])) pvt

    --Dynamic Pivot

    Declare @cols varchar(max), @sql varchar(max)

    Declare @tbl Table(Cols varchar(10))

    Insert into @tbl

    Select Distinct TempSymbol From #TempSymbolList

    Select @cols = Coalesce(@cols + ', ', '') + QUOTENAME(Cols) From @tbl

    Set @sql = 'Select xDATE, '+@cols+' From

    (Select A.* From StockQuote as A

    JOIN #TempSymbolList as B ON A.xSymbol = B.TempSymbol) As C


    (max(xSymbol) For xSymbol IN ('+@cols+')) pvt'

    Execute (@sql)

    Vinu Vijayan, Thank you for your help!

    I think it is very close and is obviously a very good demonstration of the dynamic pivot. Unfortunately, I haven't grasped the logic of the pivot yet to say if it works for me. The final output would look like ..

    xDate | AAPL | AMD | MSFT

    100 | 600.5 | 200.5 | 100.5

    101 | 601.5 | 201.5 | 101.5

    102 | 602.6 | 202.6 | 102.6

    103 | 601.3 | 201.3 | 101.3

    104 | 599.6 | 299.6 | 99.6

    105 | 603.1 | 203.1 | 103.1

    Can we tweak the Dynamic Pivot function to work as such?

  • Yes We can tweak it.

    --Static Pivot

    Select xDATE, Max(MSFT), MAX(AAPL), MAX(AMD) From

    (Select xDATE, [MSFT], [AAPL], [AMD] From

    (Select A.* From StockQuote as A

    JOIN #TempSymbolList as B ON A.xSymbol = B.TempSymbol) As C


    (max(xClose) For xSymbol IN ([MSFT], [AAPL], [AMD])) pvt) As D

    Group By xDate

    --Dynamic Pivot

    Declare @cols varchar(max), @sql varchar(max), @cols1 varchar(max)

    Declare @tbl Table(Cols varchar(10))

    Insert into @tbl

    Select Distinct TempSymbol From #TempSymbolList

    Select @cols = Coalesce(@cols + ', ', '') + QUOTENAME(Cols) From @tbl

    Select @cols1 = Coalesce('Max(' +@cols1+ '), ' + 'Max(', '') + QUOTENAME(Cols) From @tbl

    Set @cols1 = SUBSTRING(@cols1, 5, DATALENGTH(@cols1)) + ')'

    Set @sql = 'Select xDATE, '+@cols1+' From

    (Select xDATE, '+@cols+' From

    (Select A.* From StockQuote as A

    JOIN #TempSymbolList as B ON A.xSymbol = B.TempSymbol) As C


    (max(xClose) For xSymbol IN ('+@cols+')) pvt) As D

    Group By xDate'

    Execute (@sql)

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • vinu512 (6/5/2012)

    Yes We can tweak it.

    --Static Pivot

    Select xDATE, Max(MSFT), MAX(AAPL), MAX(AMD) From

    (Select xDATE, [MSFT], [AAPL], [AMD] From

    (Select A.* From StockQuote as A

    JOIN #TempSymbolList as B ON A.xSymbol = B.TempSymbol) As C


    (max(xClose) For xSymbol IN ([MSFT], [AAPL], [AMD])) pvt) As D

    Group By xDate

    --Dynamic Pivot

    Declare @cols varchar(max), @sql varchar(max), @cols1 varchar(max)

    Declare @tbl Table(Cols varchar(10))

    Insert into @tbl

    Select Distinct TempSymbol From #TempSymbolList

    Select @cols = Coalesce(@cols + ', ', '') + QUOTENAME(Cols) From @tbl

    Select @cols1 = Coalesce('Max(' +@cols1+ '), ' + 'Max(', '') + QUOTENAME(Cols) From @tbl

    Set @cols1 = SUBSTRING(@cols1, 5, DATALENGTH(@cols1)) + ')'

    Set @sql = 'Select xDATE, '+@cols1+' From

    (Select xDATE, '+@cols+' From

    (Select A.* From StockQuote as A

    JOIN #TempSymbolList as B ON A.xSymbol = B.TempSymbol) As C


    (max(xClose) For xSymbol IN ('+@cols+')) pvt) As D

    Group By xDate'

    Execute (@sql)

    Yes, that works perfectly. Thanks again. Now I have to try and understand how it works.

  • You can read about Dynamic Pivot here:

    Dynamic Pivot

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

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