Using T-SQL to display stored procedure

  • I would like to search all stored procedures for a given string on a given database.

    I have a list of table names and would like to know what stored procedures access the tables.

    Any ideas?

    select top 100, sc.text
    from sysobjects so
    inner join syscomments sc
    on =
    where so.xtype = 'P'
    and patindex('%TableName%', convert(varchar(8000), sc.text)) > 0
  • Thanks Jpipes, it worked great!

  • here's the one I use to find any string in any SP or VIEW.

    Change the word 'PROC' below to 'VIEW' if you want to search views instead

    select, c.* from syscomments as c

    join sysobjects s on =

    where charindex(upper('StringImLookingFor'),upper(c.text)) >0

    and charindex(upper('proc'),upper(c.text)) >0

  • Thank you, bar8393. I will add this to my archives.


    here's the one I use to find any string in any SP or VIEW.

    Change the word 'PROC' below to 'VIEW' if you want to search views instead

    select, c.* from syscomments as c

    join sysobjects s on =

    where charindex(upper('StringImLookingFor'),upper(c.text)) >0

    and charindex(upper('proc'),upper(c.text)) >0

  • quote:

    Thank you, bar8393. I will add this to my archives.


    here's the one I use to find any string in any SP or VIEW.

    Change the word 'PROC' below to 'VIEW' if you want to search views instead

    select, c.* from syscomments as c

    join sysobjects s on =

    where charindex(upper('StringImLookingFor'),upper(c.text)) >0

    and charindex(upper('proc'),upper(c.text)) >0

    I tried it on Pubs database on a SQL7.0 box, it returned no results. Please advice.



  • quote:

    Thanks Jpipes, it worked great!

    BTW, this is exactly what I do as well, but it is not absolutely guaranteed to find all occurrences, for the following reason.

    Stored procedure text is stored in syscomments in chunks of 8000 bytes. Therefore if you have a reasonably long SP, it is just possible that the string you're searching for lies across the boundary between 2 records and will not therefore be found.

    Very minor point this, and you'd be pretty unlucky for this to happen, but it's just worth bearing in mind.

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