Using SqlStatementSource property of Execute SQl Task

  • In the Event Handlers window OnError I have "SQL_Error" Execute SQL Task

    in which I generate SqlStatementSource Property:

    "INSERT stg.Errors(error_code)


    '' + @[System::ErrorCode] + ''


    CREATE TABLE (error_code int)

    It fails. Something is wrong with the syntax. I suspect

    single quotes or double quotes.

    In Query Analyzer this query works OK:

    INSERT stg.Errors(error_code)



  • I guess you forgot the parentheses. Try

    "INSERT stg.Errors(error_code)

    VALUES (

    '' + @[System::ErrorCode] + '')



  • Peter,

    I copied your code

    and pasted it to Expression window.

    Got error again:

    Error: 0xC002F210 at SQL_LogError, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "INSERT stg.Errors(error_code)

    VALUES (

    '' + @[System::ErrorCode] + ''


    " failed with the following error: "Must declare the scalar variable "@".".

    You are using two single quotes before and after

    @[System::ErrorCode]. Not one double quote. Right?

  • I try to simplify the situation to isolate the problem.

    Now I just write to error_desc VARCHAR(255) column:

    "INSERT stg.Errors(error_desc)

    VALUES (

    '" + @[System::ErrorDescription] + "'



    but got an error again!

    Error: 0xC002F210 at SQL_LogError, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "INSERT stg.Errors(error_desc)

    VALUES (

    'SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (305)" failed because error code 0xC020907B occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (305)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.



    " failed with the following error: "The statement has been terminated.".

  • It makes me crazy...

    This works:

    "INSERT stg.Errors(error_desc)

    VALUES (

    '" + @[System::packageName] + "'



    and this fails:

    "INSERT stg.Errors(error_desc)

    VALUES (

    '" + @[System::ErrorDescription] + "'



    I checked in a Script. ErrorDescription is populated.

    Public Class ScriptMain

    Public Sub Main()

    MsgBox("ErrorDescription=" + Dts.Variables("System::ErrorDescription").Value.ToString())

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    End Sub

    End Class

  • Maybe the error description contains characters which breaks the statement. Try parameterizing the statement.


  • You mean building the statement string as a variable

    and then select Source as a variable?

  • Note that right now you are using string concatenation to build you query. If @[System::ErrorDescription] contains a single quote, the statement will become invalid, which probably explains the error you got:



    " failed with the following error: "The statement has been terminated.".

    What I mean is you have to use a parameter in your query:

    INSERT stg.Errors(error_desc) VALUES (?)

    On the ParameterMapping tab, add a parameter with variable @[System::ErrorDescription] mapped to parameter name 0 of type (n)varchar. Note that ? as a parameter is connection dependend. It works with SQL Server. Other connection providers may require other notation for parameters. Look up BOL if you are not using SQL Server.


  • I tried what you suggested.

    It worked.

    But the results I saw are not the ones I expected.

    But that's another story.

    When I display ErrorDescription in a Script

    I see one error descriptions and number of records.

    Now with Execute SQL Task

    INSET stg.Errors(...)

    VALUES (?)

    I get another picture.

    Don't understand why.

    I am testing exactly the same one record.

    And the error I expect is CAN NOT INSERT NULL.

  • Damn the event handlers! :°(,

    i have a similar problem... but i solved for syntax ...

    my problem (great Problem :P) are the "user" variables ...

    I released a packages with a lot event handler (for error an postexecute),

    for onError Event Handlers i've this SqlStatementSource to a Execute Sql Task (into expression editor) :

    "Insert into SSISErrorLog



    ('onError','"+ @[System::PackageName]+ "','"+@[User::DTSXError]+"')"

    For system variable it's ok ... but i can read User::DTSXError variable (also from Script Task)

    how i solve?

    pleaz help!

    Event Handlers .

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