Using sp_add_jobstep

  • I am using this to add a jobstep to an existing job.  This step is to call a separate stored procedure that accepts two parameters.  I am having trouble with the syntax for @additional_parameters.  Here is my code.  My @additional_parameters is obviously not correct.

     EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep

      @job_name = 'SampleJob',

      @step_id = 1,

      @step_name = 'SampleJob_Step1',

      @subsystem = 'TSQL',

      @command = 'EXEC DevDatabase.dbo.spProcess',

      @additional_parameters = @id, @userid,

      @database_name = 'DevDatabase'

    Any help would be much appreciated!


    MSSQL 2000


  • @additional_parameters is going to need to be either on @parameter that is a concatenated string, or you will need to pass it in dynamically and read the two @parameter independently within the SP:

     EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_jobstep

      @job_name = 'SampleJob',

      @step_id = 1,

      @step_name = 'SampleJob_Step1',

      @subsystem = 'TSQL',

      @command = 'EXEC DevDatabase.dbo.spProcess',

      @additional_parameters = "@id, @userid",

      @database_name = 'DevDatabase'

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Your additional parameters value needs to be wrapped in single quotes.  Assuming that you want to have both @id and @userid as parameters, replace your line with:

    @additional_parameters = CHAR(33) + @id + ', ' + @userid + CHAR(33)

    Hope this helps


  • CHAR(33) is an exclamation point.  You can use CHAR(34) double quotes or CHAR(39) single quotes... But you will still probably need something within you SP to seperate out those @Parameters, (is my guess...)

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • All great points and I greatly appreciate it!  I ended up using, "@command = @commandValue," and setting the @commandValue to include the exec and parameters together:

    Set @commandValue = "EXEC DevDatabase.dbo.spProcess '" + @id + "', '" + @userid + "'"  .

    Hopefully that is appropriate, but it works perfectly from what I can tell.

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