Using SELECT as 'IN' predicate condition for PIVOT

  • Hello,

    I am trying to use a SELECT statement as my IN condition in a PIVOT and I am not having any luck:

    SELECT DISTINCT * FROM [DWH].[ufnGetPerYear] (@VolumeParam,@RegStartQtrParam,@RegStartYearParam,@RegEndQtrParam,@RegEndYearParam)) as s

    PIVOT(SUM(YearShare) FOR [Year] IN (SELECT [RegYear] from [SAPBW_DataWarehouse_R3].[DWH].[CUMappingColumnLkp] WHERE [RegReportPeriod] = ISNULL(@RegReportPeriod, 'RIIO-ED1'))

    I feel like I am missing something very simple.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you so very much,


  • I'm guessing you want to pivot on values that you do not know until the proc executes.

    This might work, may be a syntax error but this is the general idea behind dynamic pivot column names.

    DECLARE @sql AS NVARCHAR(4000);

    DECLARE @col AS NVARCHAR(500);

    DECLARE @RegReportPeriod as MydataType,@VolumeParam as MydataType,@RegStartQtrParam as MydataType,

    @RegStartYearParam as MydataType,@RegEndQtrParam as MydataType,@RegEndYearParam as MydataType

    Declare @params nvarchar(2000)='@col AS NVARCHAR(500),@RegReportPeriod as MydataType,@VolumeParam as MydataType,@RegStartQtrParam as MydataType,

    @RegStartYearParam as MydataType,@RegEndQtrParam as MydataType,@RegEndYearParam as MydataType'

    SELECT @col = ISNULL(@col + ', ', '')+QUOTENAME([RegYear])

    FROM (SELECT distinct[RegYear] from [SAPBW_DataWarehouse_R3].[DWH].[CUMappingColumnLkp]

    WHERE [RegReportPeriod] = ISNULL(@RegReportPeriod, 'RIIO-ED1')) AS window;

    SET @sql =

    N'SELECT DISTINCT S.* , @col

    FROM [DWH].[ufnGetPerYear] (@VolumeParam,@RegStartQtrParam,@RegStartYearParam,@RegEndQtrParam,@RegEndYearParam)) as s

    PIVOT(SUM(YearShare) FOR [Year] IN ( @col)) AS MyPivot';

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql,@params,@col,@VolumeParam,@RegStartQtrParam,@RegStartYearParam,@RegEndQtrParam,@RegEndYearParam

    Catch-all queries done right [/url]
    Gail Shaw's Performance Blog[/url]

  • Or you could use cross tabs instead of pivot.

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max),

    @params nvarchar(4000);

    SET @params = N'@VolumeParam int,

    @RegStartQtrParam int,

    @RegStartYearParam int,

    @RegEndQtrParam int,

    @RegEndYearParam int'; -- Change datatypes accordingly

    SET @sql = N'SELECT Somecolumns' --This are the columns that define the groups.

    + ( --This will concatenate the pivoted columns.

    SELECT CHAR(10) + CHAR(9) + ',SUM(CASE WHEN [YEAR] = ' + QUOTENAME( [RegYear], '''') + ' THEN YearShare ELSE 0 END) AS ' QUOTENAME(RegYear)

    from [SAPBW_DataWarehouse_R3].[DWH].[CUMappingColumnLkp]

    WHERE [RegReportPeriod] = ISNULL(@RegReportPeriod, 'RIIO-ED1')

    FOR XML PATH( ''), TYPE).value('.','nvarchar(max)') + CHAR(10)

    + 'FROM [DWH].[ufnGetPerYear] (@VolumeParam,@RegStartQtrParam,@RegStartYearParam,@RegEndQtrParam,@RegEndYearParam)) as s' + CHAR(10)

    + 'GROUP BY Somecolumns;';

    --This is for debugging purposes

    PRINT @sql;

    --This is the actual execution of the query

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, @params, @VolumeParam, @RegStartQtrParam, @RegStartYearParam, @RegEndQtrParam, @RegEndYearParam;

    Further reading:

    Cross tabs and Pivots Part 1[/url]

    Cross tabs and Pivots Part 2[/url]

    Concatenating strings[/url]

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Hello Mad Admin,

    Let me try this suggestion.

    Thank you so very much for your time and assistance.

    Most sincerely,


  • Hello Luis,

    I am most appreciative of your time and attention.

    I am going to try out your suggestion. I will post back.

    Thank you so much!


  • Hello Mad Admin,

    I think I am getting closer with your help. Here is what I have:

    DECLARE @RigsVolTableParam varchar (10)

    DECLARE @RigsVolRowParam float

    DECLARE @RigsInputActionParam varchar (20)

    DECLARE @VolumeParam numeric (17,2)

    DECLARE @RegStartQtrParam varchar (2)

    DECLARE @RegStartYearParam varchar (4)

    DECLARE @RegEndQtrParam varchar (2)

    DECLARE @RegEndYearParam varchar (4)

    DECLARE @RigsDNOTXTSHParam varchar(10)

    DECLARE @sql AS NVARCHAR(4000);

    DECLARE @col AS NVARCHAR(500);

    Declare @params nvarchar(2000)='@col AS NVARCHAR(500),@VolumeParam as numeric(17,2),@RegStartQtrParam as varchar(2),

    @RegStartYearParam as varchar(4),@RegEndQtrParam as varchar(2),@RegEndYearParam as varchar(4)'

    SELECT @col = ISNULL(@col + ', ', '')+QUOTENAME([RegYear])

    FROM (SELECT distinct[RegYear] from [SAPBW_DataWarehouse_R3].[DWH].[CUMappingColumnLkp]

    WHERE [RegReportPeriod] = ISNULL(@RegReportPeriod, 'RIIO-ED1')) AS window;

    SET @sql =

    N'SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM [DWH].[ufnGetPerYear] (' + CAST(@VolumeParam AS VARCHAR(20)) + ',' + CAST(@RegStartQtrParam AS VARCHAR(20)) + ','

    + CAST(@RegStartYearParam AS varchar(20)) + ',' + CAST(@RegEndQtrParam AS VARCHAR(20)) + ',' + CAST(@RegEndYearParam AS varchar(20)) +') as s

    PIVOT(SUM(YearShare) FOR [Year] IN ( ' + CAST(@col AS VARCHAR(500)) + ')) AS MyPivot) AS A';

    PRINT @sql

    If Object_Id('Tempdb..#TableFinal') is not null drop table #TableFinal

    --Submitting Volume values from Intermediate table table above to calculation function and returning the final table with the values to update

    Create Table #TableFinal


    --RigsVolTable varchar(10),

    --RigsVolRow varchar(20),

    --RigsInputAction varchar(20),

    --RigsDNOTXTSH varchar(10),

    PlnVol1 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol2 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol3 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol4 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol5 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol6 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol7 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol8 numeric (17,2) null


    DECLARE @i int

    SET @i = 1

    While @i < (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM #TableOfRigTableRigRowRigInputActionValues) + 1


    SELECT @RigsVolTableParam = RigsVolTable

    , @RigsVolRowParam = RigsVolRow

    , @RigsInputActionParam = RigsInputAction

    , @VolumeParam = Volume

    , @RegStartQtrParam = RegStartQtr

    , @RegStartYearParam = RegStartYear

    , @RegEndQtrParam = RegEndQtr

    , @RegEndYearParam = RegEndYear

    ,@RigsDNOTXTSHParam = RigsDNOTXTSH

    FROM #TableOfRigTableRigRowRigInputActionValues

    WHERE ID = @i

    INSERT INTO #TableFinal

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql,@params,@col,@VolumeParam,@RegStartQtrParam,@RegStartYearParam,@RegEndQtrParam,@RegEndYearParam

    SET @i = @i + 1



    SELECT * FROM #TableFinal


    Only trouble with this, is that there are no values in the INSERT statement. It's as if the scope to variables is lost maybe? Only reason I say that, is if I actually hard code the values:

    DECLARE @RigsVolTableParam varchar (10)

    DECLARE @RigsVolRowParam float

    DECLARE @RigsInputActionParam varchar (20)

    DECLARE @VolumeParam numeric (17,2)

    DECLARE @RegStartQtrParam varchar (2)

    DECLARE @RegStartYearParam varchar (4)

    DECLARE @RegEndQtrParam varchar (2)

    DECLARE @RegEndYearParam varchar (4)

    DECLARE @RigsDNOTXTSHParam varchar(10)

    DECLARE @sql AS NVARCHAR(4000);

    DECLARE @col AS NVARCHAR(500);

    Declare @params nvarchar(2000)='@col AS NVARCHAR(500),@VolumeParam as numeric(17,2),@RegStartQtrParam as varchar(2),

    @RegStartYearParam as varchar(4),@RegEndQtrParam as varchar(2),@RegEndYearParam as varchar(4)'

    SELECT @col = ISNULL(@col + ', ', '')+QUOTENAME([RegYear])

    FROM (SELECT distinct[RegYear] from [SAPBW_DataWarehouse_R3].[DWH].[CUMappingColumnLkp]

    WHERE [RegReportPeriod] = ISNULL(@RegReportPeriod, 'RIIO-ED1')) AS window;

    SET @sql =

    N'SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM [DWH].[ufnGetPerYear] (' + CAST(120 AS VARCHAR(20)) + ',' + CAST(2 AS VARCHAR(20)) + ','

    + CAST(2021 AS varchar(20)) + ',' + CAST(3 AS VARCHAR(20)) + ',' + CAST(2023 AS varchar(20)) +') as s

    PIVOT(SUM(YearShare) FOR [Year] IN ( ' + CAST(@col AS VARCHAR(500)) + ')) AS MyPivot) AS A';

    PRINT @sql

    If Object_Id('Tempdb..#TableFinal') is not null drop table #TableFinal

    --Submitting Volume values from Intermediate table table above to calculation function and returning the final table with the values to update

    Create Table #TableFinal


    --RigsVolTable varchar(10),

    --RigsVolRow varchar(20),

    --RigsInputAction varchar(20),

    --RigsDNOTXTSH varchar(10),

    PlnVol1 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol2 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol3 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol4 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol5 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol6 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol7 numeric (17,2) null,

    PlnVol8 numeric (17,2) null


    DECLARE @i int

    SET @i = 1

    While @i < (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM #TableOfRigTableRigRowRigInputActionValues) + 1


    SELECT @RigsVolTableParam = RigsVolTable

    , @RigsVolRowParam = RigsVolRow

    , @RigsInputActionParam = RigsInputAction

    , @VolumeParam = Volume

    , @RegStartQtrParam = RegStartQtr

    , @RegStartYearParam = RegStartYear

    , @RegEndQtrParam = RegEndQtr

    , @RegEndYearParam = RegEndYear

    ,@RigsDNOTXTSHParam = RigsDNOTXTSH

    FROM #TableOfRigTableRigRowRigInputActionValues

    WHERE ID = @i

    INSERT INTO #TableFinal

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql,@params,@col,@VolumeParam,@RegStartQtrParam,@RegStartYearParam,@RegEndQtrParam,@RegEndYearParam

    SET @i = @i + 1



    SELECT * FROM #TableFinal


    How do I maintain the variable values?

    Thank you so much for your help!!!



  • Hello Luis,

    I can't thank you enough for all your help.

    I ran into some errors with the code you helped me with, but having seen your advice, it makes sense.

    I am currently having an issue trying to use dynamic sql but ALSO maintain a temp variable's value when calling the dynamic sql.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you so much, again!

    Most sincerely,


  • matt.warren 33350 (12/21/2015)

    Hello Luis,

    I can't thank you enough for all your help.

    I ran into some errors with the code you helped me with, but having seen your advice, it makes sense.

    I am currently having an issue trying to use dynamic sql but ALSO maintain a temp variable's value when calling the dynamic sql.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you so much, again!

    Most sincerely,


    Can you post what you have tried? Could you share ddl and sample data so we can test any code before posting? What do you mean with temp variable? A temp table? A table variable? Something else?

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • matt.warren 33350 (12/21/2015)

    Hello Luis,

    I can't thank you enough for all your help.

    I ran into some errors with the code you helped me with, but having seen your advice, it makes sense.

    I am currently having an issue trying to use dynamic sql but ALSO maintain a temp variable's value when calling the dynamic sql.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you so much, again!

    Most sincerely,


    Actually, yes. Help us help you. Please see the first link under "Helpful Links" in my signature lines below.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Hello Luis,

    I will do this.

    Thank you so very much.



  • Hello Jeff,

    Thank you so much for your guidance.

    I will post the CREATE script for the sp and function and any data.

    Thank you again!


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