using row_number() over partition by to get datediff by row

  • Reran my code and in looking at the results from MM code I have to ask why the last row is being counted when it overlaps time wise with the previous record that is being excluded?

    MM's results:


    100128137100199999952013-04-16 12:02:14.000

    100128137100199999962013-04-16 17:02:14.000

    100128138100150936342013-04-16 17:17:14.000

    100128138100150992682013-04-26 13:48:53.000

    100128138100251211752013-05-16 16:43:51.000

    100128138100251332812013-05-23 17:53:46.000

    100128138100251332812013-05-23 19:03:46.000 << This row

    Sample data:


    100128137100199999952013-04-16 12:02:14.000

    100128137100199999962013-04-16 17:02:14.000

    100128137100199999972013-04-16 17:12:14.000

    100128138100150936342013-04-16 17:17:14.000

    100128138100150992682013-04-26 13:48:53.000

    100128138100251211752013-05-16 16:43:51.000

    100128138100251332812013-05-23 17:53:46.000

    100128138100251332812013-05-23 18:43:46.000

    100128138100251332812013-05-23 19:03:46.000 << Overlaps with the previous row

  • Okay, rereading everything. The first record that is counted starts the 60 minute window, subsequent records that are overlapping do not extend the window.

    This correct?

  • Lynn Pettis (5/30/2013)

    Okay, rereading everything. The first record that is counted starts the 60 minute window, subsequent records that are overlapping do not extend the window.

    This correct?

    100128138100251211752013-05-16 16:43:51.000

    100128138100251332812013-05-23 17:53:46.000

    100128138100251332812013-05-23 18:43:46.000

    100128138100251332812013-05-23 19:03:46.000

    For the above four rows the count should be 3.

    Even so row #4 is less than 60 min apart of row #3, it should be counted as it's more than 60 min apart since previous "counted" row #2.

    I guess, it's possible to do it with triangular joins, but I have no doubt that it will perform worse than "quirky update" provided. It may be slightly better than using cursor/loop.

    I'm thinking towards using data-island method, but cannot get my head around it as yet.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • thank you is great artitial

  • Eugene, thanks for posting that QU solution.

    I had always thought of QU as being a "Rolling Total" solution, and this has opened my mind a bit, so thanks again.

    Of course, the QU version will outperform anything else in here, without a doubt.


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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  • I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the multiple solutions posed! I thought I'd give a little more background on the business requirements to try to illustrate what we're doing. I'm a SQL back-end developer and our company has a web-based UI written in Ruby on Rails by overseas developers. We have no control over the UI or ROR pieces. There is a bug in the system that is generating multiple events in our SQL table that may or may not be "real." Sometimes, depending on the internet browser, it could be caused by double-clicking or clicking on some completely unrelated area of the screen. Then, I've been told there are "caching" issues. They haven't explained what "cache" they're referring to...local, browser, server, etc... In other words, we have no idea. It was decided to only count events that occurred more than 60 minutes apart. That's all I was told, so I'm trying to come up with the logic on my own. I think that both the QU and the loop code will work. Performance-wise, we'll be running the code at night on non-peak time, so as long as it finishes (and it doesn't appear to be an issue on our small datasets), that meets the requirement at this time. My hope is that the web GUI developers will straighten out their side soon!

    Thank you again so much! I'm going to run all three sets of code and compare them all.

  • An alternative solution, that uses a recursive CTE instead of a WHILE loop:

    --DECLARE @pmd_patient_id bigint = 100128137 --for single patient filtering


    lteWithChronSeq AS ( --add a per patient chronological sequence number to raw data

    SELECT *

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY pmd_patient_id ORDER BY createdat) AS ChronSeq

    FROM la_test_endcall


    --SELECT * FROM lteWithChronSeq

    , ltewcsCompare AS ( --match every event with every other event



    , ltewcs1.ChronSeq AS ChronSeq1

    , ltewcs2.ChronSeq AS ChronSeq2

    , CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(s,ltewcs2.createdat,ltewcs1.createdat) > 3600 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsGood --when time difference > 3600 secs (60 mins) then event is good

    FROM lteWithChronSeq ltewcs1

    CROSS JOIN lteWithChronSeq ltewcs2

    WHERE ltewcs1.pmd_patient_id = ltewcs2.pmd_patient_id --return only events for same patients

    AND ltewcs1.ChronSeq > ltewcs2.ChronSeq --only compare events with ones that occured earlier

    --AND ltewcs1.pmd_patient_id = @pmd_patient_id --single patient filter


    --SELECT * FROM ltewcsCompare

    , AllGoodEventPairs AS ( --first subsequent good event for any given event



    , ChronSeq2 AS ChronSeq

    , MIN(ChronSeq1) AS NextGoodChronSeq

    FROM ltewcsCompare

    WHERE IsGood = 1

    GROUP BY pmd_patient_id, ChronSeq2


    --SELECT * FROM AllGoodEventPairs

    , GoodEvents AS ( --create a 'chain' of good events


    SELECT pmd_patient_id, ChronSeq

    FROM AllGoodEventPairs

    WHERE ChronSeq = 1 --first event is always good



    SELECT ge.pmd_patient_id, NextGoodChronSeq

    FROM GoodEvents ge

    INNER JOIN AllGoodEventPairs agep ON ge.ChronSeq = agep.ChronSeq AND ge.pmd_patient_id = agep.pmd_patient_id


    --finally, join the chain of good events back to the original data:



    , ltewcs.endcallcd

    , ltewcs.eventid

    , ltewcs.createdat

    FROM GoodEvents ge

    INNER JOIN lteWithChronSeq ltewcs ON ltewcs.ChronSeq = ge.ChronSeq AND ltewcs.pmd_patient_id = ge.pmd_patient_id

    ORDER BY ge.pmd_patient_id, ge.ChronSeq

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