Using RAISERROR with Dynamic SQL

  • Can anyone provide me a short example of how to implement this? I am not able to do this and need to.

    Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!! Back to Google!

  • you want to use raiseerror as a progress indicator from some dynamic SQL, is that it?

    here's one example that would be appriate in a cursor loop, does this help?

    --print error immediately in batch

    declare @i int,

    @err varchar(100)

    --set @i=1

    while 0=0


    SET @err = 'Progress So Far: Step ' + convert(varchar(30),ISNULL(@i,1)) + ' completed.'

    raiserror (@err,0,1) with nowait

    waitfor delay '00:00:02'

    set @i=ISNULL(@i,1) + 1


    RAISERROR ('Duplicate Records',16,1)


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  • Or do you want to use RAISERROR with a message that contains a variable string?


    SELECT @intCount = COUNT(*)

    FROM table_name

    WHERE code = @passed_code;

    IF @intCount > 0


    SET @strErr = 'Error: Parameter ' + @passed_code + ' not in table table_name';

    RAISERROR(@strErr, 16, 1);



    We're just guessing at your intent here. If we've missed it, could you provide something else to go on?

  • Lowell and Ed,

    Thanks for the replies, I will try to better explain what I am doing and what I am looking for.

    What I am doing: I have cursor that is looping over all of the Linked Servers I have set up on my server and inserting into a local table on my server. I am using Dynamic SQL for my INSERT INTO statement.

    What I am trying to do: If for some reason, there is an error within the INSERT, I want to use RAISERROR to return the error back to my SQL Agent job, close the cursor and deallocate the cursor.

    My apologies as well for the late reply, I was out of town all weekend without much access to Internet. Please let me now if I am not doing a very good job of explaining myself.

    Thanks Again for your help!

  • Could you please post your sql which builds dynamic SQL your INSERT INTO statement.

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