Using NULL in 'IN' Statement

  • hi,

    I've table as below:

    Table A


    Column A Column B


    0 1001

    1 1001

    null 1001

    0 1002

    1 1002

    My aim is to select value of Colum B by which Column A has values 0, 1 and null.

    My query is like this below:

    select distinct column B from Table A

    where Column A is null

    and column A in(0,1)

    My aim is to select only the value 1001 from Table A based on the condition.

    How can i achieve this?

    Please let me know.



  • Is this a homework assignment?

    WHERE SomeColumn IS NULL

    OR SomeColumn IN (1,2);

    is how I would do it, but then I never tried putting NULL in a list as if it were a constant, because it isn't.

    When you tried it, what happened? (Feel free to learn from your mistakes. Everybody here does it. Test out some assumptions. Some will be found to be true, others false. Welcome to learning.)

  • It would fetch all the values who has either of 0,1 or NULL. Why do you want to achieve here. Why cant you have the ColumnB = the value that you are looking for?

  • sqlzealot-81 (3/29/2012)

    It would fetch all the values who has either of 0,1 or NULL. Why do you want to achieve here. Why cant you have the ColumnB = the value that you are looking for?

    I guess OP wants to get ColumnB when ColumnA = 1 and ColumnA = 2 and ColumnA IS NULL. 😎

    Use self join.....

  • Hey, i think you can simplify this by adding default constraint where value is null or the other way.

    but yeah for your problem i have two quick solutions hope this is helpful .

    and also added more data for columnb.

    create table #temp (columna int ,columnb int )

    insert into #temp

    select 0, 1001 union all

    select 1, 1001 union all

    select null ,1001 union all

    select 0, 1002 union all

    select 1, 1002 union all

    select 0, 1003 union all

    select 1, 1003 union all

    select null, 1003

    /* solution 1*/

    select a.* from #temp a inner join #temp b

    on a.columnb = b.columnb

    where isnull(a.columna,0) in (0,1)

    and b.columna is null

    /* solution 1*/

    /* solution 2*/

    select columnb from #temp where columna is null

    and columnb in (select columnb from #temp where columna in (0,1))

    /* solution 2*/

    --set ansi_nulls on

    drop table #temp

    Raj Acharya

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