Using multi-row resultset from a stored procedure directly

  • In SQL Server 2000, is it possible to use the results returned by a stored procedure directly, or does one have to use a temporary table?

    I want to get a list of users from a Windows 2000 Group.  The following code works:


    CREATE TABLE #Users (account_name varchar(128)

      , type char(8)

      , privilege char(9)

      , mapped_login_name varchar(128)

      , permission_path varchar(128))

    INSERT INTO #Users EXEC master..xp_logininfo 'NTDomain\NTGroup', 'members'


    SELECT account_name

    FROM #Users

    ORDER BY account_name

    DROP TABLE #Users

    I was just wondering if there is a way of doing the above without using a temporary table, i.e.:

    SELECT account_name

    FROM (EXEC master..xp_logininfo 'NTDomain\NTGroup', 'members')

    ORDER BY account_name



  • Hi, I don't know if this help you... but instead of T-SQL you can build a DTS with the sp call as the input of the Data Transfer and 'account_name' as the outpur.



  • Hi!

    With SP you have to use temporary table. With XP also.

    SP you can rewrite into UDF, XP - no way.


  • Thanks Yukas, thought that was probably the case, just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing a trick!



  • Like Yukas said, you could rewrite the SP as a UDF.

    Another alternative would be to keep your SP, but revise it to use a table variable instead of a temp table. 

    If your values for the xp_logininfo parameters will change, then I'd rewrite the SP as a UDF.

  • George.

    With XP you have to use temp table, you cannot use table variable.

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