Using Linked Databases to import Excel sheets... what is JET''s problem?

  • I'm stumped.

    I have a sproc that is supposed to import excel spreadsheets into the database, and I'm using a Linked Server because I can't figure out how to import a .xls file with a variable # of sheets using DTS.

    So I have it working (Linked Server  ProductionMetrics=C:\Prod.xls) for me (dbo), but when the person who needs the tool uses it (Tina) tries, she gets a non-descript "Jet Had An Error"

    I've tried making her a dbo in the database that the sproc runs in... but that didn't help...

    Any ideas?

  • Perhaps a file access security problem?  What security logon is the linked server using?  If you used default Windows Authentication, does Tina have permissions to access the file?  Or you may want to change the linked server remote login to a specific account, and not use Windows Authentication.


  • I'm not sure what the problem was, but we solved it by changing the login from "Use connection's credentials" to "Use No Credentials".  I'm still fuzzy about why an excel spreadsheet would need any credentials...


    Thor Johnson

  • I'm still fuzzy about why an excel spreadsheet would need any credentials...

    Accessing any resource (and a file is a resource) needs to have an account to determine security and permissions.  "Use connection's credentials" was using Tina's account to (try to) access the file.  "Use No Credentials" is using what account you set up on the remote login.


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