using like

  • I would like to see if there are records in my table using LIKE.

    select * from mitmas where mmitno like '%655599972D7%'

    this returns the values i am looking for, would like to know if i can run this for multiple LIKE statments

    i have 600 skus i need to search for.

    i tried

    select * from mitmas where mmitno like ('%655599972D7%','%655599989D7%')

    also tried

    select * from mitmas where mmitno like '%655599972D7%' or like '%655599989D7%'

    doesnt seem to work.


  • You need to specify the column's name after the first condition

    select * from mitmas where mmitno like '%655599972D7%' or mmitno like '%655599989D7%'


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  • Thanks

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