Using "KILL" in a stored procedure.

  • HI,

    I want to use the KILL command inside a procedure.

    I am getting the required spid in an int variable (@spid).

    But its giving me error when I try to fire

    exec (KILL @spid)

    or EXECUTE sp_executesql ('kill ' + convert (varchar(10),@spid) ).

    The error message is as follows.

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 14

    Line 14: Incorrect syntax near 'kill '.

    Could anybody please help me understand where the problem lies.

  • Hi Somebody told me that you cannot calla stored procedure inside another. Is this true ?

    If I wont be able to call KILL command from a stored procedure, can I do it from a script ? If yes, how ?

    I tried calling the same from a script; but its not working with the above mentioned options.

  • The following works for me


    DECLARE @stmt NVARCHAR(20)

    SET @ID = 53

    SET @stmt = 'KILL '+ @ID

    EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @stmt

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • You can call any amount of stored procs while you're in a stored proc. The only thing you have to watch for is the nesting level.

    call sp1 : nesting level = 1

    sp1 calls sp2 : nesting level = 2

    sp2 calls sp1 : nesting level = 3 >> but you just started a recursinve algorithm. After you reach 32, you won't be able to call anything else that will increment the nesting level.

    however if you have a sp like this

    create proc spa


    exec spb

    exec spc

    exec spd

    exec spe

    the max nesting level you will reach is 2 (assuming none of the 4 sps will call other sps).

    Exec () cannot resolve the statement in the parenthesis, you must set it into a variable and use it like so :

    Declare @ExecSQL as varchar(100)

    SET @ExecSQL = 'KILL ' + CAST("Your spid goes here" As Varchar(10))

    exec (@ExecSQL)

  • Thanks Frank & Remi.

    Your suggestions helped me solve my problem.

    I am still wondering why

    exec ( 'kill ' + convert(varchar(10),@spid) ) is not working where as exec( @ExecSQ) works fine !!!

    I find that the string value inside the paranthesis is the same in both the cases !!! Why do you think this is happening ?

    Thanks once again for your help. 🙂

  • quoting myself :

    Exec () cannot resolve the statement in the parenthesis, you must set it into a variable and use it like so ...

    I don't know why it's like that but it's like that... Just one more gotcha.

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