Using June CTP in production unitl November

  • My systems architect wants to install the June CTP of SQL Server 2005 in a production database server that serves up data for our public web presence.

    I am anxious about putting beta software in production. My questions are:

    1. Is anyone using the June CTP for light production use?

    2. When SQL2K5 is released in November, what problems can I expect in standing down the beta and installing in production?

    3. Other than common sense, what reasons can I give my director that will convice them to use SQL2K until November.

    Robin HC

  • Does it work now?


    Good, let's keep it that way .

    End of conversation if he has some good sens left in him.

  • There is a limited go live license, but you need to apply with Microsoft and be accepted or you will not get support and they will consider your installation unlicensed.

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