using grouping

  • when I run this:

    select case when (GROUPING(ddtreasuryteam) = 1) THEN 'All Requests'

    else isnull(ddtreasuryteam, 'n/a')

    end as Team,

    case when (GROUPING(CBOSTATUS) = 1) THEN 'Total Received'

    else isnull(CBOSTATUS, 'n/a')

    end as Status,

    count(*) as Total,

    left(min(txtRdate),11) as [Oldest Date]

    from rrform

    WHERE DDTREAsuryteam = 'alpharetta' or

    ddtreasuryteam = 'epsg' or

    ddtreasuryteam = 'headquarters' or

    ddtreasuryteam = 'midwest'

    Group By DDTreasuryTeam, CBOSTATUS with rollup ORDER BY DDTREASURYTEAM

    I get this:

    Team Status Total Oldest Date

    All Requests Total Received 119021 Sep 27 2001

    Alpharetta Closed 44399 Sep 27 2001

    Alpharetta In Progress 2 Dec 17 2003

    Alpharetta New 90 Dec 17 2003

    Alpharetta Pending 113 Dec 3 2003

    Alpharetta Total Received 44604 Sep 27 2001

    Billing and Collections New 2 Nov 20 2003

    Billing and Collections Pending 1 Sep 9 2003

    Billing and Collections Total Received 3 Sep 9 2003

    EPSG Closed 11218 Oct 2 2001

    EPSG In Progress 9 Dec 8 2003

    EPSG New 29 Dec 11 2003

    EPSG Pending 47 Dec 6 2003

    EPSG Total Received 11303 Oct 2 2001

    MidAtlantic Closed 2967 Oct 20 2001

    MidAtlantic In Progress 1 Dec 18 2003

    MidAtlantic New 7 Dec 4 2003

    MidAtlantic Pending 7 Dec 10 2003

    MidAtlantic Total Received 2982 Oct 20 2001

    On the lines that have 'Total Recieved' in the 'Total' column, I would like to be able to be able to add the word 'All' to the name of the the Team in the 'Team' column. If anyone has ANY idea how to do that please let me know. Thanks in advance to all you geniuses.

  • Try changing the first part of the select to

    select case when (GROUPING(ddtreasuryteam) = 1) THEN 'All Requests' 
    else isnull(case when (GROUPING(CBOSTATUS) = 1) THEN 'All ' ELSE '' END + ddtreasuryteam, 'n/a')
    end as Team,

    Edited by - davidburrows on 12/23/2003 03:31:36 AM

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thanks! That worked perfect!

    But I'm having trouble formatting that 1st line. when I try and format the cell/line it gives me that cell twice.

    if instr(thisfield,"All") then


    <td valign=top><font color=blue size = "2"><b><%=thisfield%></b></font></td>

    <%end if%>

    Note this method works fine when I format the other total lines i.e.

    if instr(thisfield,"Total Received") then


    <tr bgcolor=tan><td valign=top><font color=white size = "2"><b><%=thisfield%></b></font></td>


    <td valign=top class="confsub"><%=thisfield%></td>

    <%end if%>

    The best would be if I can possibly move that line to the bottom of the results or even better remove it completely. Wouldn't happen to have any ideas on that would you?

  • Try this

    select case when (GROUPING(ddtreasuryteam) = 1) THEN 'All Requests' 
    ELSE isnull(ddtreasuryteam, 'n/a') END as Team,
    case when (GROUPING(CBOSTATUS) = 1) THEN 'Total Received'
    else isnull(CBOSTATUS, 'n/a')
    end as Status,
    count(*) as Total,
    left(min(txtRdate),11) as [Oldest Date]
    from rrform
    WHERE DDTREAsuryteam = 'alpharetta' or
    ddtreasuryteam = 'epsg' or
    ddtreasuryteam = 'headquarters' or
    ddtreasuryteam = 'midwest'
    Group By DDTreasuryTeam, CBOSTATUS with rollup
    ORDER BY (CASE WHEN ddtreasuryteam IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),ddtreasuryteam

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • you da bomb. can you come live at my desk? I'll get you one of those nice air matresses...

  • oops, spoke too soon. The rollup isn't working now. I get no errors though, it just acts like I didn't say 'with rollup', no totals

  • I'd just as soon not even show that line cause I still have the format trouble

  • I'm getting confused on what the problem is now. This query is based on your original plus 'All' in front of Team for Team totals and the data is ordered to put totals at the end of each Team and 'All Requests' total at the end.

    Can you be more specific regarding the problem with duplicate cell/line?

     select case when (GROUPING(ddtreasuryteam) = 1) 
    THEN 'All Requests'
    else isnull(case when (GROUPING(CBOSTATUS) = 1)
    THEN 'All ' ELSE '' END
    + ddtreasuryteam, 'n/a') end as Team,
    case when (GROUPING(CBOSTATUS) = 1) THEN 'Total Received'
    else isnull(CBOSTATUS, 'n/a')
    end as Status,
    count(*) as Total,
    left(min(txtRdate),11) as [Oldest Date]
    from rrform
    WHERE DDTREAsuryteam = 'alpharetta' or
    ddtreasuryteam = 'epsg' or
    ddtreasuryteam = 'headquarters' or
    ddtreasuryteam = 'midwest'
    Group By DDTreasuryTeam, CBOSTATUS with rollup
    ORDER BY (CASE WHEN ddtreasuryteam IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),ddtreasuryteam

    Edited by - davidburrows on 12/23/2003 10:43:23 AM

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • OK, I made the dupe thing moot by you helping me put it at the end of the recordset where it won't bother anyone. I truly appreciate your help. Now I'm tackling math which I can do but my co-workers and I are having trouble referencing the number in the 'Total' column in order to do some math on it and put the answer into another column. What I really want to say is

    Total /(select count(*) from rrform where cbostatus <> 'closed') as [Num Requests Open]

    where Total is the column that is output by the rollup function.

    looks like this (see below). I just need to add a column to it.

    Alpharetta In Progress 42 Dec 20 2001

    Alpharetta New 354 Mar 13 2002

    Alpharetta Pending 253 Nov 5 2001

    Total Received Alpharetta 649 Nov 5 2001

    EPSG In Progress 23 Dec 3 2001

    EPSG New 313 Dec 29 2001

    EPSG Pending 35 Jan 17 2002

    Total Received EPSG 371 Dec 3 2001

    Headquarters In Progress 1 Dec 20 2001

    Headquarters Pending 1 Dec 20 2001

    Total Received Headquarters 2 Dec 20 2001

    Midwest In Progress 38 Jan 9 2002

    Midwest New 429 Apr 22 2002

    Midwest Pending 58 Feb 14 2002

    Total Received Midwest 525 Jan 9 2002

    All Requests 1547 Nov 5 2001

    If I'm wearing out my welcome I understand but this has stumped my coworker and my boss.

  • SUM(CASE WHEN cbostatus <> 'closed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as [Num Requests Open] 

    Will give you the count of open requests

    (CASE WHEN SUM(CASE WHEN cbostatus <> 'closed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0 THEN 0 
    ELSE (count(*) + 0.0) / SUM(CASE WHEN cbostatus <> 'closed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
    END) as [Num Requests Open]

    Will give you total divided by number of open requests (which is meaningless other than for totals!)


    If I'm wearing out my welcome I understand

    Not at all, this is what the forum is for. Most of the time the answer is simple but difficult to see.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thank you so much for all your help. Never really used case statements in SQL before. This definitely gave me some valuable experience.

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