Using GROUP BY and not really getting results i need

  • i have a table with a number 8 digits long. It represents a date but not a date column. ie 20200715. The table also has an amount column that i need to sum.

    SELECT col_date / 10000 AS col_yr, SUM(col_amt) AS Expr1


    WHERE (col_type = 'R')

    GROUP BY col_date / 10000, col_amt

    ORDER BY col_yr

    i am getting

    2015, 10.00

    2015, 15.00

    2016, 12.00

    2016, 20.00

    but i need to group the col_yr together and total up the col_amt to look like

    2015, 25.00

    2016, 32.00

    and so on

  • Try changing your GROUP BY:

    GROUP BY col_date / 10000

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • ok that got it thank you. i was worried about aggregate errors i never tried that. So thank you very much.

  • To add to what Phil is saying here, you only need to Group on the columns/expressions that aren't in an aggregate function. You are aggregating on Col_amt therefore it's very unlikely you need to Group on it.

    GROUP BY will aggregate the results in each distinct group defined in the clause. You have col_date / 10000, col_amt in your GROUP BY, therefore each distinct set for col_date / 10000 and col_amt will be a group, and hence why you're getting the results you are.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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