Using Global Variables with Declared Parameters

  • I generate a first and last date in a SQL Task as a global variables that I want to pass to a Transform Data Task. I have the following SQL query in the properties of the Transform Data Task:

    ---- query in Transform Data Task ----

    DECLARE @Ld datetime

    DECLARE @HD datetime

    select @Ld as StartDay, @HD as EndDay, a.strname, a.device, min(a.startdate) starttime, max(a.enddate) endtime, sum(a.amtPaid)/100 amtpaid, sum(a.amtprinted)/100 amtprinted, sum(a.no_sold) sold, sum(a.no_cashed) cashed, sum(a.amtvoid)/100 amtvoid, sum(a.no_void) void

    from (

      SELECT sum(convert(numeric, iAmount)) amtPrinted, sum(0) amtPaid, min(dtPrinted) startDate,max(dtprinted) enddate, strName, 0 no_cashed, count(*) no_sold, Devices.strdevicename device, 0 amtvoid , 0 no_void

      FROM  Voucher

      INNER JOIN  Sys_User ON Voucher.iPrinterID = Sys_User.iUserID

      INNER JOIN  Devices ON Voucher.iDeviceID = Devices.iDeviceID

      WHERE dtPrinted >= @Ld AND dtPrinted < @HD

      group by strname, Devices.strdevicename


    SELECT sum(0) amtPrinted, sum(convert(numeric,iAmount)) amtPaid, min(dtPaid) startDate,max(dtpaid) enddate, strName, count(*) no_cashed, 0 no_sold, Devices.strdevicename device , 0 amtvoid, 0 no_void

     FROM Voucher

     INNER JOIN Sys_User ON Voucher.iPayorID =Sys_User.iUserID

     INNER JOIN Devices ON Voucher.iPayDeviceID = Devices.iDeviceID

     WHERE dtPaid >= @Ld AND dtPaid < @HD and (strVoucherstatus = 'PD' OR strVoucherstatus = 'HP')

     group by strname, Devices.strdevicename


    SELECT sum(0) amtPrinted,0 amtPaid,min(dtPaid) startDate,max(dtpaid) enddate, strName, 0 no_cashed, 0 no_sold, Devices.strdevicename device,sum(convert(numeric,iAmount)) amtvoid, count(*) no_void

    FROM Voucher

    INNER JOIN Sys_User ON Voucher.iPayorID =Sys_User.iUserID

    INNER JOIN Devices ON Voucher.iPayDeviceID = Devices.iDeviceID

    WHERE dtPaid >= @Ld AND dtPaid < @HD and strVoucherstatus = 'VD'

    group by strname, Devices.strdevicename ) a

    group by strname, device

    order by strname, startTime

    --- continued ---

    How do I assign the global variables to the declared parameters @Ld and @HD in the Transform Data Task? use a SET @Ld = ? doesn't work. Inserting ? in place of @LD and @HD doesn't work either. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thank you.  

  • instead of using the trnasform data task use the execute sql task and pass the global variable values by using ?

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