Using exec on stored procs w/ variable args

  • So, I need to be able to execute a variety of stored procedures in another stored procedure.  Obviously, the stored procs I'm executing have a variable number of args.  If I do something like:

    exec @ret = @proc @args

    I get all the args submitted to the first arg regardless of how I format the string (ie set @args = '@param1=''asdf'',' + '@param2=''fdas'',' + '@param3 = 1' or simply putting them in ordinal order...)

    Basically, the proc names are stored in one table, the args for each instance of the procs are stored in another table and in the controlling proc I'm simply running a cursor through the args table to try and execute each proc with the appropriate args.

    Any ideas how I can do this?  Thanks in advance!

  • Hey... tk, check at BOL the correct syntax of EXEC...

    You musn't pass a single string with parameters, you have to pass parameter's values for each parameter...

    so EXEC @rc = SomSP @P1, @P2


        EXEC @rc = @Proc @P1, @P2 (but i`m not sure aboout this last...)

    I'd prefer using a system's sp... sp_executesql... check this...

    Use a varchar variables to hold the PARAM's definition string...


    SET @params = ' @Param1 INT, @Param2 VARCHAR(10), @Param3 DATETIME '

    After, use a variable for each parameter... (just to be clear, you can actually use the real values instead of variables but I always prefer variables, also, I've always had trouble passing dattime values as parameters)


    SET @P1 = 1

    SET @P2 = 'HOLA'

    SET @P3 = GetDate()

    and finally... execute the SP...

    EXECUTE @RESULT = sp_executesql  @PROC, @params, @P1, @P2, @P3

    an that's all... don't forget to DECLARE the variables...




  • Thanks for the reply Nicolas.  But, I think you're just confirming what I was afraid of.  I have no problem making it work if the number of params is known.  However, the environmnet I've been dealt has several hundred procs with anywhere from 0 to 50+ params. 

    I guess I'll either have to create a controlling proc that has templates for calls to procs with 0 to 50+ params, or come up with a different solution.  Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of flexibility as to what I can implement with this particular customer. 

  • Not knowing how your system is setup but you could try something like this

    DECLARE @sql varchar(8000)

    SET @sql = null   ' Need to do this at top of each loop

    SELECT @sql = COALESCE(@sql+','+param,param)

    FROM [paramtable]

    WHERE procname = 'proc1'

    SET @sql = 'proc1 '+@sql


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Yup, so, you can put it all into one single string and execute it using EXEC(@MyVar)

    And that, would by simple just using a select statment

    Something like that, obvoiously into a cursor that iterates over your PROCS Defintion table

    WHILE 1=1

    FETCH NEXT FROM MyCursor INTO @ProcId, @ProcName


    SET @MyVar = @ProcName

    SELECT @Procname = @ProcName + ISNULL( ',' + ParamName + ' = ' + Value, '')

    FROM ParamsDefinitionTable

    WHERE ProcID = @ProcID



    I don´t know if you values are on the same table or not... but, well, it's just an example...

    Hope you've luck




  • Ok, I see the error of my ways now...  What I've been trying to do is what is being suggest, I've just been using the wrong syntax.  Newbie mistake I guess...

    As in my original post, I've been trying to do:

    exec @ret = @proc @params

    What I failed to mention was that I also tried many permutations like:

    exec @procAndParams

    exec @ret = @procAndParams


    What I didn't try was:


    and the other permutations using the parens....

    The original code I wrote will work fine if I add parens to the exec call.  I guess I don't remember seeing this documented anywhere, but I suppose if I really knew what I were doing, I would already know this. 

    For example (and others who may not know this), if I have a proc named aaa_sptest and the strings below represent the strings built in the loop that retrieves the proc name, the params and the values:

    declare @a varchar(200)

    declare @b-2 varchar(200)

    set @a = 'aaa_sptest @param1=''a s d f'',' + '@param2=''f d a s'',' + '@param3 = 1'

    set @b-2 = 'aaa_sptest ''a s d f'',' + '''f d a s'',' + '1'

    These both work:



    These don't:

    exec @a

    exec @b-2

    Thanks for the help!

  • I'll post this, and label it, the 0:N optional parameter problem.


    There is a small performance hit to use this method.  I usually use this method for reporting, since the User may or may not select alot of different items.

    If you're a dot net developer, you can use a strongly typed dataset to create the Xml for you, which is what I do.


    This will create 3 tables

    Emp, Dept, and the link table Emp_Dept




    --drop table emp_dept

    --drop table dept

    --drop table emp

    create table dbo.emp(empid int not null primary key, lastname varchar(35) not null , firstname varchar(35) not null , dateofbirth datetime null  )

    create table dbo.dept(deptid int not null primary key, deptname varchar(35) not null unique )

    create table dbo.emp_dept(empid int not null references emp(empid), deptid int not null references dept(deptid), primary key(empid,deptid))





    raiserror('Now add data ....',0,1)



    set nocount on







    insert dbo.dept(deptid,deptname) values(101,'finance')

    insert dbo.dept(deptid,deptname) values(102,'netops')

    insert dbo.dept(deptid,deptname) values(103,'software development')

    insert dbo.dept(deptid,deptname) values(104,'custodial')

    insert dbo.dept(deptid,deptname) values(105,'sales')


    insert dbo.emp(empid,lastname,firstname,dateofbirth) values(1,'turnip','tommy','1/1/1910')

    insert dbo.emp(empid,lastname,firstname,dateofbirth) values(2,'jones','mary','2/2/1920')

    insert dbo.emp(empid,lastname,firstname,dateofbirth) values(3,'tucker','dan','3/3/1930')

    insert dbo.emp(empid,lastname,firstname,dateofbirth) values(4,'tucker','dan','4/4/1940')

    insert dbo.emp(empid,lastname,firstname,dateofbirth) values(5,'cucumber','cindy','5/5/1950')

    insert dbo.emp(empid,lastname,firstname,dateofbirth) values(6,'radish','randy','6/6/1960')

    insert dbo.emp(empid,lastname,firstname,dateofbirth) values(7,'potato','patti','7/7/1970')

    insert dbo.emp(empid,lastname,firstname,dateofbirth) values(8,'tomato','teddy','7/7/1980')

    insert dbo.emp(empid,lastname,firstname,dateofbirth) values(9,'beet','burt','7/7/1990')



    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(1,101)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(1,102)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(1,103)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(2,102)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(2,103)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(3,101)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(3,103)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(4,105)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(4,104)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(5,102)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(5,105)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(6,101)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(7,105)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(8,102)

    insert dbo.emp_dept(empid,deptid) values(9,104)





    -- *


    -- emp e inner join emp_dept ed on e.empid = ed.empid inner join dept d on ed.deptid = d.deptid


    raiserror('Now at the indexes ....',0,1)


    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes

             WHERE name = 'IX_emp_empid')

       DROP INDEX emp.IX_emp_empid

    CREATE INDEX IX_emp_empid    ON emp (empid)





    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes

             WHERE name = 'IX_dept_deptid')

       DROP INDEX dept.IX_dept_deptid

    CREATE INDEX IX_dept_deptid    ON dept (deptid)




    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes

             WHERE name = 'IX_emp_dept_empid')

       DROP INDEX emp_dept.IX_emp_dept_empid

    CREATE INDEX IX_emp_dept_empid    ON emp_dept (empid)




    IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysindexes

             WHERE name = 'IX_emp_dept_deptid')

       DROP INDEX emp_dept.IX_emp_dept_deptid

    CREATE INDEX IX_emp_dept_deptid    ON emp_dept (deptid)





    raiserror('Done ....',0,1)











    raiserror('Now at the stored procedure ....',0,1)



    if exists (select * from sysobjects

     where id = object_id('dbo.uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)

     drop procedure dbo.uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample


    --notice the procedure name

    --"usp" prefix

    --the "Entity" name is first (instead of the word "Get" (here, the entity name is EmpDept)

    --then the action "Get"

    CREATE Procedure dbo.uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample( --the _OneToNParamsExample can be omitted from the usp name, its just there for example reasons

    @parametersXML Text




    DECLARE @hdoc INT -- handle to XML doc

    -- build a table (variable) to store the xml-based result set

    DECLARE @empCount int

    DECLARE @emps TABLE ( --used to track with employees you want

     empid int 


    DECLARE @deptCount int

    DECLARE @depts TABLE (  --used to track with depts you want

     deptid int 


    declare @dateOfBirthAfter datetime --used to track with employees with birthdate after you want

    declare @dateOfBirthBefore datetime --used to track with employees with birthdate before you want

    --Start XML usage  --

    -- Only incur the penalty of XML parsing, if XML was specified

    if (@parametersXML IS NOT NULL) AND (Datalength(@parametersXML) > 10 ) -- Only process the xml If the xml exists, and it has at least 10 chars.  10 is just a somewhat arbritrary number, saying, that an xml doc with <10 chars doesn't have a whole lot going for it || DataLength is used for Text datatype


     --Create an internal representation of the XML document.   

     EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT, @parametersXML   




     INSERT INTO @emps

     SELECT  empid 


      OPENXML (@hdoc, '/ParametersDS/Emp', 2) WITH (   

      empid int 'EmpID')    




     INSERT INTO @depts

     SELECT  deptid 


      OPENXML (@hdoc, '/ParametersDS/Dept', 2) WITH (   

      deptid int 'DeptID')    




     SELECT @dateOfBirthBefore = DateOfBirthBefore


      OPENXML (@hdoc, '/ParametersDS/SingleValueParam', 2) WITH (   

      DateOfBirthBefore datetime 'DateOfBirthBefore')   



     SELECT @dateOfBirthAfter = DateOfBirthAfter 


      OPENXML (@hdoc, '/ParametersDS/SingleValueParam', 2) WITH (   

      DateOfBirthAfter datetime 'DateOfBirthAfter')   




     --Remove the handle to the XML document, since we're done with using the xmlDoc

     EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hdoc 


    --End XML usage



    select @empCount = count(*) from @emps

    select @deptCount = count(*) from @depts

    --select * from @emps

    --select * from @depts

    --print @dateOfBirthBefore

    --print @dateOfBirthAfter



    -------------------- Above are the variables and variable-tables for parameters

    -------------------- Below is the actual query we're interested in


     e.empid ,

     e.lastname ,

     e.firstname ,

     e.dateofbirth ,

     d.deptid ,



     dbo.emp e inner join dbo.emp_dept ed on e.empid = ed.empid inner join dbo.dept d on ed.deptid = d.deptid


     ((@empCount = 0) OR (e.empid IN ( Select empid from @emps ) ))


     ((@deptCount = 0) OR (d.deptid IN ( Select deptid from @depts ) ))


     (( @dateOfBirthBefore IS NULL ) OR (e.dateofbirth <= @dateOfBirthBefore ))


     (( @dateOfBirthAfter IS NULL ) OR (e.dateofbirth >= @dateOfBirthAfter ))


     e.lastname , e.firstname






    if exists (select * from sysobjects

     where id = object_id('dbo.uspEmpColorGet') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)

     drop procedure dbo.uspEmpColorGet


    --notice the procedure name

    --"usp" prefix

    --the "Entity" name is first (instead of the word "Get" (here, the entity name is EmpDept)

    --then the action "Get"

    CREATE Procedure dbo.uspEmpColorGet--()

    ----( --the _OneToNParamsExample can be omitted from the usp name, its just there for example reasons





    SELECT     empid as EmpID, colorid as ColorID, isUsedOnEmpHouse as isUsed

    FROM         emp_color as EmpColor









    --================= START EXAMPLES (below code are examples)





    --no parameters

    print 'No Filters, just give me all the data'

    EXEC uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample '





    --birth day (after)

    print 'Filter on the birthday being after the input date'

    EXEC uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample '








    --birth day (before)

    print 'Filter on the birthday being before the input date'

    EXEC uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample '









    --birth day (both)

    print 'Filter on the birthday being (before and after) the input dates'

    EXEC uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample '









    --Emps and Depts

    print 'Specific Emps and Depts'

    EXEC uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample '

















    --just Emps

    print 'Filter on specific employees'

    EXEC uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample '











    --just Depts

    print 'Filter on specific depts'

    EXEC uspEmpDeptGet_OneToNParamsExample '




















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