Using Criteria in Queries from Values in a Form

  • Hi,

    I would like to filter a query in Access based on the values of a couple of combo boxes on a form.

    Trouble is, if the combo box is blank (or null), then I would like it to show all records, rather than those equal to null.

    It seems that if I have a combo box or text box value as criteria in a query, then there is no way I can pass anything so that it does not apply the criteria on that field.

    I have to apply the query outcome to a report.

    A few possibilities might be:

    1. Apply a programmed SQL statement as the record source for the report - But I do not know how to do this.

    2. Somehow, set up the query in Access to do what I want

    Any ideas on how to do either of these, or even an alternative solution would be great.


    P.S. I have tried to use the filter parameter in the report on the OnOpen command of the report. This works OK on the report, but not for a SubReport. For some reason, it will not recognise the Fillter parameter when Opening a Subform (which I have tested as working when opening the subform separately). So I am stuck to finding an alternative solution above.

  • HI,

    Have you tried something like this in your query

    SELECT *

    FROM Mytable

    WHERE Col1 = [TextboxValue] or [TextboxValue]= ''

    That way if the text box is empty then everything comes back

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • Hi,


    [TextboxValue] or [TextboxValue] = "

    something that I can put in a query? and is the syntax correct? It seems strange that you have put only one inverted comma (").

    I am not 100% convinced. Could you explain further how this is interpreted in the query in Access? How will that return all the records if the [TextValue] is Null?


  • Well you need to change the syntax for the name of the textbox and the form that it belongs to ...

    The reason it works is because [TextBoxValue] = "" will be true for every row if the textbox has a value of empty string.

    Does that help?

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • Hi,

    Thanks so much for your help. Saved me lots of time.

    I ended up using [TextValue] is Null, but same concept. This then works directly with the function of Combo boxes.

    Thanks again.

  • I used union queries to populate my combo boxes so that the value of "left arrow (the sign won't show up in the post) All right arrow "). By arrows I mean caps + , and caps + . .

    Then if all was selected, you essentially get all the records. I may have missed a detail, as it's been years since I've done one, but that should get you on that path if you choose to go down it.

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