December 14, 2010 at 3:50 pm
I think a report of mine is getting hung up because of a parameter issue. I use the parameters for various things on the report and all seem to work expect when I use the state codes OR and IN. I'm assuming because they are control words. Is there anyway to get around this in the expression builder?
December 15, 2010 at 8:08 am
JKamzol (12/14/2010)
I think a report of mine is getting hung up because of a parameter issue. I use the parameters for various things on the report and all seem to work expect when I use the state codes OR and IN. I'm assuming because they are control words. Is there anyway to get around this in the expression builder?
It Depends... I use Or,In,Not In,=,<> In all with parameters in my queries and in expressions in the report itself. You just have to be cognizant of if they are multivalued or not.
Perhaps, you could give us some more information like the types of parameters, the expressions/queries etc you are using etc. and we might be able to help more. the more detail you can give us the better able we'll be to help. Sample data and expected outcome would be greatly helpful as well.
December 16, 2010 at 10:21 am
Please post your query.
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