Using and Creating Mount Points in SQL Server

  • kellithompson (2/7/2012)

    Perry Whittle (1/20/2012)

    kellithompson (1/20/2012)

    Yes it is. It's off-site at another location, but it's the same domain.

    That makes things a whole lot easier. Just set mirroring up as defined in BOL. I have a script which you can use if you want it.

    Thanks Perry, I would like a script. I just wanted to test if I could get a mirror to work between my clustered instance and an offsite instance. I followed the BOL in creating a new database on my primary. Created a table and added some rows. Backed up the DB and the log fille using the proper method. Restored both w/ NoRecovery. Made sure I could telnet to both primary and mirror server on my designated port. I cannot get past the famous 1418 error w/ severity 16, state 1, line 1. I have removed all the configurations and started over 3 times and I must be missing something simple because each time I get the same error. Let me know if you have any advice.

    Thanks in advance. KT

    Nevermind. I finally got it working. Because of the failover cluster, I want to use high safety w/o auto failover (synchronous), right?

  • If I don't recall something wrong: are the two instances running under the same domain account? Have you verified that this account has sufficient permissions?

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  • kellithompson (2/7/2012)

    Nevermind. I finally got it working. Because of the failover cluster, I want to use high safety w/o auto failover (synchronous), right?

    Offhand i'm not entirely certain, what makes you think that? You would at least need to ensure that you adjust the mirroring timeout to take account of the cluster failover time. The default mirror timeout is 10 secs and i'm guessing your cluster failover takes longer than that.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • When mount points are being used together with the physical disks, each mount point must appear as a cluster resource. Additionally, each mount point must also be added as a SQL Server dependency. If only the root physical disks dependency is added and the mount points are not added, database corruption will occur on failover. Database corruption may also occur when SQL Server is restarted without failing over (

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