Using alter command in Stored Procedure

  • I created the following SP but when I execute it in query analyzer I receive an error saying the Edit field is an invalid column name. I know it runs thru the point of adding the Edit field because I can see it in the table but when the update statement is run it can't find the new field in the table to make the updates. Can someone give me some guidance on what I am doing wrong? Thanks!

    create procedure ImportandAltersp AS

    select *

    into Table2

    from Table1

    where date > '07/01/2009'

    alter table Table2

    add Edit char (3)

    update table2

    set Edit = 'Yes'


  • you need to either built your table with all it's columns, or use the EXEC(@sqlstatement) to do the alter an iupdate.

    the database engine expects either a GO statement, so it knows the ALTER command is completed, so that it is commited to the metatadata.

    the best solution build the whole thing in one pass:

    select Table1.*,'Yes' As [Edit]

    into Table2

    from Table1

    where date > '07/01/2009'


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • You should not create/alter a table thru procedure. What happens when you run the procedure twice?


    Failing to plan is Planning to fail

  • i assumed this was pseudocode and he was using a temp table in the procedure;if it's a real table, Madhivanan is right , you'll have concurrency issues.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Here's some code I did for a data-driven conversion in SQL 2005. It should work for SQL 2000, but you won't need the section for the varchar(max).

    First the stored proc:

    create proc up_add_field_to_NCEM43_Data

    @fld_name nvarchar(30), @fld_size int, @fld_type varchar(30)



    declare @sqlbuff nvarchar(255)

    if (substring(@fld_name,1,1) = '$')

    select @fld_name = substring(@fld_name,2,datalength(@fld_name)-1)

    if (@fld_size > 8000)


    set @sqlbuff = 'Alter table NCEM43_Data '

    + 'add ['

    + @fld_name

    + '] '

    + @fld_type

    + '(max) NULL'




    set @sqlbuff = 'Alter table NCEM43_Data '

    + 'add ['

    + @fld_name

    + '] '

    + @fld_type

    + '('

    + convert(varchar(4),@fld_size)

    + ') NULL'


    print @sqlbuff

    exec (@sqlbuff)

    if (@@error != 0)

    return -1


    return 0



    Then some calling code:

    declare @error_countint

    DECLARE @retstatint

    declare @fld_namenvarchar(30)

    execute @retstat = up_add_field_to_NCEM43_Data @fld_name, 255, 'nvarchar'

    if (@retstat != 0)


    set @error_count = 1 + @error_count


    Of course you still will have the challenge of updating a column. My solution was to also put the update statement into a stored procedure much like the first one.

    Good luck!

    Beth Richards
    Sybase, Oracle and MSSQL DBA

  • @sqluser...

    Ummm... what is this for? I mean, what is the business reason behind adding columns to a new table? The reason why I'm asking is because if we knew the real reason behind why you are trying to do this, we just might be able to come up with a better solution than the one you're trying to solve.

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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