Using a stored procedure to dynamically create a table

  • Hello.

    I'm trying to write a stored procedure in SQL Server 2000 that will accept a parmeter and attempt to create a table using it.

    I've actually got the procedure working such that the table is created. My problem is that I can't find an elegant way to test first if it exists. You see, if the table exists, I don't want to issue the CREATE TABLE statement.

    Here is what I have thus far ...



    SET @SQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @TABLENAME + ' (' +

     '[UserID] [varchar] (20)  NOT NULL ,' +

     '[Message] [varchar] (7000)  NULL' +

    ') ON [PRIMARY]'

    EXEC (@SQL)


    To reiterate, I want to find a way to test for existence and only execute the create statement if the table doesn't exist. Thanks.

    - Mike

  • Hi Mike, how about this to test for existence?

    if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[@TABLENAME]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)



  • Capri,

    Thanks but I believe your suggestion results in an existence check for [<A href="mailtoBO.@TABLENAME">DBO].[@TABLENAME]. In other words, the contents of the parameter @TABLENAME is not being used here. It will always be checking for the same table.

    I think I need to use the EXEC function but I somehow have to be able to check the results of it.

    - Mike

  • slip this in front of your create table statement:


    declare @TABLENAME varchar(50) 

    set @TABLENAME= ?(However you're creating table names)

    if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[@TABLENAME]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

  • Hi there.

    Respectfully, I disagree with you (and Capri). Did you actually try this?

    I think you (and Capri) are assuming that @TABLENAME will be resolved to the value of the parameter but that is not the case.

    I would love it if you were correct about this as it would solve my problem.

    - Mike

  • Hi,

    I agree with Capri and Osoba on this. It should work - we're using this in several procedures. However, I noted a typo in both their examples - @tablename should not be included within the string delimiters. My example:

    declare @tablename sysname

    select @tablename = 'Items'

    if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'dbo.' + @tablename))

    print 'Exists'


    print 'Not exists'

    It's probably sensible to check for correct type as well. If you're using tablenames that may have spaces you should add the '[]' to query as well - or alternatively require the client to add them? Good luck.

  • Hello again.

    Thanks very much for the tip. It worked!

    Here is my procedure ...




    f not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].' + @TABLENAME) and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)



      '[UserID] [varchar] (20)  NOT NULL ,' +

      '[Message] [varchar] (7000)  NULL ,' +

      '[TimeSubmitted] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate())' +

     ') ON [PRIMARY]'

     EXEC (@SQL)



    - Mike

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