Users to drag and drop image into form

  • I am trying to allow users to drag an Acrobat file (from a folder on their computer) to a bound object frame (named 'Document') on a form. After they "drag and drop" this file, they will be able to click the "Add Document" button and this document will be attached to a specific record in the table. The trouble I seem to be having is that it doesn't like the type 'adVarBinary' (shown in red in the "Add Button" code below). What type should this Document be input as?


    Private Sub btnAddDocument_Click()
        Dim Cmd As New ADODB.Command
        Dim Prm As New ADODB.Parameter
        With Cmd
             .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
             .CommandText = "dbo.pr_ProjectAddDocument"
             .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
             Set Prm = Cmd.CreateParameter("@Project_Key", adInteger, adParamInput, , Me.Project_Key)
             .Parameters.Append Prm
             Set Prm = Cmd.CreateParameter("@Document", adVarBinary, adParamInput, 8000, Me.Document)
             .Parameters.Append Prm
         End With
    End Sub

    Here is the code for my stored procedure to help out as well:


    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.pr_ProjectAddDocument
    (@Project_Key int,
    @Document varbinary(8000))
    DECLARE @RC as tinyint
    SELECT Project_Key
    FROM tblDocuments
    WHERE Project_Key = @Project_Key
    SELECT @RC = @@Rowcount
    If @RC >0
    UPDATE tblDocuments
    SET Document = @Document
    WHERE Project_Key = @Project_Key
    INSERT INTO tblDocuments(Project_Key, Document)
    VALUES (@Project_Key, @Document)

  • image

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