User Sids

  • I am using

    select SUSER_SID('xxx\fredbloggs') as "numbersid"

    to get out a user's NT Sid in the format


    but I need to convert this into the format


    either via SQL or an ActiveX in a DTS package. 

    Does anyone know how this can be achieved?  I've been trying to get the ConvertSidtoStringSid (and the reverse) function to work without success.


  • is this any help



  • Thanks for the link but I'm having huge trouble getting that to work in a DTS package so I was hoping there was some nice way of doing it via SQL. 

  • Here is a conversion in T-SQL you could turn into a function.  I'm not sure how you would do it in DTS with ActiveX without the bigint and varbinary data types.


    @sid varbinary(85)

    SET @sid = 0x0106000000000009010000003F60DEE7193458D3D190E51C09BEDE59E274DDF2

    DECLARE @s-2 varchar(255)

    DECLARE @r smallint, @m smallint, @i bigint

    SET @r = substring(@sid,1,1) -- revision

    SET @s-2 = 'S-' + cast(@r AS varchar)

    -- The dbo SID is just 0x01, check before going further

    IF len(@sid) > 1 begin

        SET @i = substring(@sid,3,6) -- authority

        SET @s-2 = @s-2 + '-' + cast(@i AS varchar)

        SET @m = 9 -- Add subauthorities until reaching the end of the SID

        WHILE @m < len(@sid) BEGIN

            -- Each subauthority DWORD value is four bytes in little-endian order (least-significant byte first)

            -- @i was declared bigint (and the high-order byte handled separately) to avoid overflow errors

            SET @i = substring(@sid, @m + 3, 1)

            SET @i = substring(@sid, @m, 1) + 256 * (substring(@sid, @m + 1, 1) + 256 * (substring(@sid, @m + 2, 1) + 256 * @i))

            SET @s-2 = @s-2 + '-' + cast(@i AS varchar)

            SET @m = @m + 4



    PRINT @sid

    PRINT @s-2



    I verified this code in .NET with the Security.Principle class.  Both produced the same string SID.



    Public Class Form2

        Private Sub Form2_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated

            ' SID = 0x0106000000000009010000003F60DEE7193458D3D190E51C09BEDE59E274DDF2

            Dim bSID As Byte() = {&H1, &H6, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H9, &H1, &H0, &H0, &H0, &H3F, &H60, &HDE, &HE7, &H19, &H34, &H58, &HD3, &HD1, &H90, &HE5, &H1C, &H9, &HBE, &HDE, &H59, &HE2, &H74, &HDD, &HF2}

            Dim oSID As New SecurityIdentifier(bSID, 0)

            txtStringSID.Text = oSID.ToString

        End Sub

    End Class

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