User mapping changes dissappear

  • Hi All,

    Whenever I change a server login's database user mapping, everything seems to work fine, but then when I reopen the login's properties none of the changes that I made persist. I've tried this through the GUI, T-SQL, at the server level - login - properties - user mapping, and at the database level - role - properties - membership. No matter what I try (GUI or scripting) nothing errors, everything completes successfully, but the changes are not made. Some online research points to not being able to drop a user from a role if that user is the dbo, but this is not the dbo user.

    Any thoughts on what might be happening would be greatly appreciated.



  • its sounds very much like the database user already exists and is orphaned.

    Please post the results of the following

    USE [yourdb]

    select sid AS LoginSID from master.sys.server_principals

    where name = 'theuser'

    select sid AS DBUserSID from sys.database_principals

    where name = 'theuser'


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • LoginSID : 0x010500000000000515...

    DBUserSID: returned nothing

  • In that case, please will you post the exact script you ran to get that result, along with the script you ran when attempting to change the mapping. You can obfuscate login names and any other details if you need to, as long as you're consistent in what you post.



  • Certainly. Here's one that I've tried running a few times:

    USE [myDB]




    [DOMAIN\serviceAcct] is what I used for 'where name = ' in the post above.



  • JimiHaze (4/12/2016)

    LoginSID : 0x010500000000000515...

    DBUserSID: returned nothing

    you set [yourdb] and the user name string before executing?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Yes, I changed all of your examples into what I needed.

  • JimiHaze (4/12/2016)

    Yes, I changed all of your examples into what I needed.

    does the login own the database by any chance

    select suser_sname(owner_sid), name

    from sys.databases

    where database_id = db_id('yourdb')


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • The owner of the database is [sa].

  • Perhaps your login is mapped to a database user with a different name? Please run this:

    USE MyDB


    FROM sys.server_principals l

    JOIN sys.database_principals u ON l.sid = u.sid

    WHERE = 'DOMAIN\serviceAcct' -- don't include the square brackets here


  • Running that query returns the same name as the login that I put in for



  • In that case, Perry's script should return the same SID twice. Something strange is going on. You'll need to talk us through exactly what you're doing, please, perhaps with screenshots or queries and results that show role membership and so on.


  • I did another test by dropping the user and re-creating them in the database. This will - of course - remove them from the role. However, when I add them back into the other DB roles that they are supposed to be in, they get automatically added to the role that I do NOT want them in. Should I be looking for some sort of trigger that automatically adds them if they are in a certain role?



  • Yes, check for triggers. If you don't find anything, try an extended events session to capture user creation, role membership changes and so on. That might give you a clue to what's going on.


  • There are no database triggers present that would cause this to happen. Also, I'm not quite sure what events I should be capturing in the Extended Events Session to be able to see the changes taking place. I've done some research, but nothing is leading me to the answer there.



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