User does not have access to reports

  • Hello,

    I would like advice on how to allow users to open reports.  So far, we have the home folder (which users cannot view), two sub folders, one of which users can view.  This one contains three reports.  They can see the reports exist but cannot open them.  The users have permission to Browse and I just added the Report Builder permission, but they still cannot open the reports.  This is done via the folder's security settings of course.  The security settings are inherited down the line, meaning I have not changed the report permissions, only their parent folder.

    What else do I need to look at?




  • That should be all that is required. If they have browser permissions to the folder and file, it should work from the report server side of things. Where you MAY need to adjust permissions though is at the data source. For example if you have a report "show all users" that relies on pulling data from the table "dbo.user", in order to run the report, the end user would need access to the dbo.user table.

    What I would start with is tell us what error they are getting. If the error is a 4xx or 5xx error, then something is wrong with the setup of your SSRS server and you'll need to fix that (review the logs to determine the issue and correct as needed). If the error is something like "user has no access to data" (can't remember the exact wording, but that is the basic premise of the error), then the database permissions are wrong.

    I would also try granting one user explicit permissions to browse the folder and/or report just to see if that works. If you granted permissions to a group, it could be that the server is having trouble finding the users in that group.

    But in my experience, if a user can see that the report exists but can't run it, the problem has been data access, not report server access.

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • What about user access to the data sets?  What I have figured out, so far, is that I upload the report to the web portal, then I have to upload the data sources and data sets.  So, I placed the reports in a separate folder, given access to the folder, then I went to the data sets and only gave access to the data sets themselves, not the folder they reside in.  (Because I found an error in the logs that states: an exception has occurred in data set 'dataset1'... the permissions granted to user 'domain\user1' are insufficient for performing this operation.)

    I have yet to hear from my users since giving access to the data sets.

    On the server side, none of these users have a Server login, none have access to the DB's.  Except for the logins/access permissions granted via the Report Server web portal.


  • Latest update:

    "The execution failed for the shared data set 'dataset1', cannot create a connection to data source... for more information navigate to the report server or enable remote errors."

    So, I am going to allow this user to have access to the data set folder and see what happens.

  • For uploading the data set , that depends on how you set things up. For uploading the data source, yeah that is required otherwise the report has no idea what it is connecting to.

    The way I have things set up is I have 1 folder for global data sources and all reports I configure to use the global config. This has pros and cons, but I like having a single point for configuration rather than one per report or one per folder. Only the DBA's have access to that folder and to the objects inside it. I have never needed to grant end users access to the data sources.

    Data sets on the other hand, I try to keep in the same folder as the reports and the permissions on the data set I'd match up with on the report.

    But my thoughts on your error are either that you didn't configure the report to point to the proper data source/data set OR the user doesn't have access to the underlying data through the data source/data set you have set up. I worded it that way as you can configure the data source so that it authenticates as the calling user, a specific user, the service user, or anonymous (if I remember right... been a while since I touched my data sources as they currently work).

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • Well, Mr. Brian Gale,

    I took your advice with the global data source and reports and data sets.  Then, I discovered I could change the credentials via the Report Browser.  So, after adding a user/login, and using those credentials, we have one successful user test on viewing the reports.

    Question on your global setup: is that used just for data sources or what else do you use it for?

    Thanks for your help!

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