user defined function

  • Ive created a user defined function


    when I try to use it in a select statement, its not being recognised

    'UDF_ParseNumChars' is not a recognized built-in function name.

    im trying to execute it from the management studio, so it shouldnt be a permission problem (should it?)

    anyone know what im doing wrong here ?

  • Sorry, but the force is weak. Can't see what you see.

    Please post the DDL for you function and the code you are trying to execute using the function.

  • Yes, you just need to prefix it with "dbo." then it will be recognised.

  • indeed, a udf needs to be addressed schema qualified.

    select yourschema.yourudf( paramcol )

    from yourobject



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  • if you read my post again, youll see that it was prefixed with dbo.

  • what is your select statement then?

  • is your connection positioned in the correct database ?


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  • mwwheeler (2/26/2011)

    if you read my post again, youll see that it was prefixed with dbo.

    Second request, please post the DDL for your function plus the code calling your function that gets there error.

    Can't help you based solely on your current posts. There simply isn't enough information to give you a anything except wild guesses.

  • mwwheeler (2/26/2011)

    if you read my post again, youll see that it was prefixed with dbo.

    -- Scalar function



    SELECT dbo.F();

    -- Error - not a table-valued function

    SELECT * FROM dbo.F()


    -- Multi-statement table-valued function



    SELECT * FROM dbo.F2();

    SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1)) V(v) CROSS APPLY dbo.F2();

    -- Error - returns a table, not a scalar

    SELECT dbo.F2();


  • mwwheeler (2/25/2011)

    Ive created a user defined function


    when I try to use it in a select statement, its not being recognised

    'UDF_ParseNumChars' is not a recognized built-in function name.

    im trying to execute it from the management studio, so it shouldnt be a permission problem (should it?)

    anyone know what im doing wrong here ?

    As Paul demonstrated, it depends on the type of function you've created as to where you can use it.

    Also, based on the name of the function, it would appear to be a "splitter". Most folks end up writting splitters that are, ummmm.... performance challenged. If you post your function, perhaps we could make some recommendations which may improve performance and decrease the number of resources it uses.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • heres the code

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[UDF_ParseNumChars]


    @string VARCHAR(8000)





    DECLARE @IncorrectCharLoc SMALLINT

    SET @IncorrectCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @string)

    WHILE @IncorrectCharLoc > 0


    SET @string = STUFF(@string, @IncorrectCharLoc, 1, '')

    SET @IncorrectCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @string)


    IF LEN(@string) = 0

    SET @string = '0'


    SET @string = @string

    RETURN @string


    Im working on an existing database and the original designers, in their wisdom, decided to mix and match a particular columns contents, sometime it contains a numeric value, othertimes a text value (the underlying datatype is varchar)

    one of my queries does a date calculation using a 'numeric' value in this column, it converts it to an integer and does a bit of math with it. I basically wanted to use this function to make sure the contents can be safely converted to an integer and not cause an exception (if it contained a word). Is there a more efficient/safer way to do this ?

  • Okay, since I can't seem to get everything I have asked for, here is my wild guess. You are in the same database that has the function.

    If you reread my two requests, I asked for the DDL for the function (provided) and the the code you are using to call the function (still not provided).

    Looking at the code for the function, Jeff is correct that this can be rewritten to be more scalable and efficient.

  • and (GetDate() <= (DATEADD( month,CONVERT(INT,Lookup.SubRef),Data_Landline.ModifiedDate)))

    i was trying to use this

    and (GetDate() <= (DATEADD( month,CONVERT(INT,dbo.UDF_ParseNumChars(Lookup.SubRef)),Data_Landline.ModifiedDate)))

    the subref column may contain some text instead of a number, so the calculation wont be valid in that instance

  • mwwheeler (2/28/2011)

    Im working on an existing database and the original designers, in their wisdom, decided to mix and match a particular columns contents, sometime it contains a numeric value, othertimes a text value (the underlying datatype is varchar)

    one of my queries does a date calculation using a 'numeric' value in this column, it converts it to an integer and does a bit of math with it. I basically wanted to use this function to make sure the contents can be safely converted to an integer and not cause an exception (if it contained a word). Is there a more efficient/safer way to do this ?

    Wouldn't it be easier just not to touch any rows where the data contained a non-numeric? The function strips all the character data out - turning '80FF96' into '8096' for example. It is unlikely that converting the resulting value to a date would yield anything useful. Is there an extra consideration we should be aware of? I would likely approach this problem using a variation of this idea:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.MixedUp



    data VARCHAR(50),

    padding CHAR(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT('')



    INSERT dbo.MixedUp


    VALUES ('40601'), ('40600'), ('8000F'),

    ('ZZZXY'), ('40412'), ('Apple')


    -- Could be persisted

    ALTER TABLE dbo.MixedUp

    ADD data_first_non_numeric

    AS PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', data)


    -- Can add to an index without persisting

    CREATE INDEX [IX dbo.MixedUp data_first_non_numeric (data)]

    ON dbo.MixedUp








    -- Seek


    FROM dbo.MixedUp AS MU

    WHERE MU.data_first_non_numeric = 0


    DROP TABLE dbo.MixedUp


  • mwwheeler (2/28/2011)

    and (GetDate() <= (DATEADD( month,CONVERT(INT,Lookup.SubRef),Data_Landline.ModifiedDate)))

    i was trying to use this

    and (GetDate() <= (DATEADD( month,CONVERT(INT,dbo.UDF_ParseNumChars(Lookup.SubRef)),Data_Landline.ModifiedDate)))

    the subref column may contain some text instead of a number, so the calculation wont be valid in that instance

    Code snippet, getting closer but still not there.

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