User cannot see parameters in some reports, some reports do not display data

  • I'm running Sql Server 2008 Reporting Services. I just added new user to Site Settings and made them System Administrator and System User.
    In the folder I made them Browser, Content Manager, My Reports, Publisher, Report Builder.
    But when they go to the Reporting Services Portal, they open a report and the report parameters aren't visible. There is no error message.
    One report shows the parameters, but when they run the report, it doesn't seem to run.

    When I go to the reports I can see all parameters and all reports run fine.

    I keep thinking permissions error, but like I said, they seem to have all necessary permissions.

  • I answered my own question. I found it's a browser issue - user was using Chrome, which apparently is a problem. Firefox doesn't have this problem.

  • Indeed, Chrome isn't supported by SSRS until 2016. Best stick with IE in all honestly. I think (THINK) Firefox is supported from 2012.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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