User account thats a Server ????

  • Hi,

    We have an app where they need the application servers to have SQL accounts.. They account that already in SQL are just ServerName$

    When i try and add a new server i get the below error:

    Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

    Windows NT user or group 'Domain\Server$' not found. Check the name again.

    I tried adding the accoutn using Tsql:


    CREATE LOGIN [dmoain\server$]



    again getting the same error.

    Am i being dense???

    Any help would be great!

  • The server itself shouldn't need access to SQL. They are likely running a process (Windows Service, ASP.NET, etc) on that application server, and the user the process is running under would need access if using Integrated Security.

    Rick Krueger

    Follow @dataogre

  • Hi

    yeah, thats what i thought, but the servers that are already in there. Are just servers, no AD accoutns run any services on them and theres no AD user accounts with the same name.

    Really dont get how it was done :/


  • What process is running that needs access to the server? It must be something.

    Rick Krueger

    Follow @dataogre

  • .

  • Did a little more digging, and although I've never used it, it may be SCCM that needs this account and you are likely having some AD/trust issue. Sorry I can't help you more, but hopefully gets you going in the right direction.

    Rick Krueger

    Follow @dataogre

  • Well,

    strangely and slightly more annoyingly.. I tried it again today and its worked....

    Ill look into why as im not really happy with that. I know it was a new server so maybe it had replicated around enough in AD?

    Thanks for the help 🙂

  • I had the same problem -- you aren't by any chance moving Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager DB, are you? -- and I was finally able to do it by scripting the login from the source database server instance like this:


    ... I don't see why the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE clause would have made a difference to the target server instance, it's just what worked.

    Maybe it worked that time because it was *after* I'd brought the db on line on the target server?

    For anybody who is interested, MS expects you to follow some truly cr*ppy steps just to move this db from one server to another (see .

    I found some better steps here (see Method 1) , but they were missing this particular item. Also I didn't *want* to uninstall and reinstall the app as described there -- and I didn't have to. I bet this step is the part that the reinstall would have taken care of.


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