"," used as a decimal separator

  • Hi all

      For some countries the decimal separator is a comma rather than the ".". Sql Server does not recogonise the same and errors out. We have a front end which passes values to the database as comma separated decimal number.

    For eg 10.5 is passed as 10,5

    How can SQL Server be configured to handle "," as the decimal separator.





  • no can do.

    Structured Query Language (SQL) uses a comma as a separator and not as a decimal sign.

    You can avoid this problem by not using sql-strings to pass to the db-server, but use command-objects (e.g. a stored proc or parameterized queries) which have parameters. Assign the values to the parameters and then execute the command.

    It is a front-end problem which should be handled front-end.


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  • Why can't you simply replace "," with "." before passing the value to SQL?

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