Use Polybase with ODBC to create external table

  • I'm trying to use the installed Polybase service on an  SQL 2019 server to create an external table by using and ODBC  DSN.

    The connection of the DSN is to a fairly  exotic  BBj server that hosts 3 databases.

    Somehow I just do not seem to get the proper syntax  for creating the external table.

    I used this: (after setting up Database Scoped Credential and Master Key)


    WITH ( LOCATION = 'odbc://',

    CONNECTION_OPTIONS = 'Driver={BBj ODBC Driver};

    ServerNode = TAXSYS_DIRECT_CWB:2001',


    CREDENTIAL = odbc );

    where the ServerNode  refers to the database name.  I have no other option to point to the proper database , which puzzels me.

    I would have expected to be able to point  to the DSN itself (as that holds the database and other stuff)

    Did anyone ever got an ODBC connection working using Polybase?





  • In the external data source you don't specify the database name. It is in the external table that you specify the database name, for example:

    -- SQL Server
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE DatabasesExternal (
    name VARCHAR(128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS)
    WITH (LOCATION = 'master.sys.databases',
    DATA_SOURCE = SQLServerInstance);
    -- Oracle
    WITH (
    LOCATION = '[ORCLCDB.localdomain].SYS.T1',
    DATA_SOURCE = external_data_source_name);
    -- Teradata
    [MyKey] INT NOT NULL,
    [RandomInt] INT NOT NULL,
    [RandomFloat] DECIMAL(13, 2) NOT NULL)
    WITH (
    DATA_SOURCE = external_data_source_name);
    -- MongoDB
    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [MongoDbRandomData](
    [_id] NVARCHAR(24) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
    [RandomData_friends_id] INT,
    [RandomData_tags] NVARCHAR(MAX) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS)
    WITH (

    Note it will depend on the ODBC if you can specify a 2-part name or a 3-part name. Also, posting the error messages can help with the troubleshooting.

  • I have 3 seperate DSN's on the SQL server instance , each pointing to a database on the BBj server. So I would have expected to point to the DSN name in the definition of the external datasource .

    However, according to documentation the pointer is in the actual type of driver used, not the DSN

    So, I guess this means that the external datasource definition only point at the general instance and that the exact database should be defined in the external table  DDL?


  • The actual error message:


    Msg 105082, Level 16, State 1, Line 21

    105082;Generic ODBC error: NativeOdbcConnection.Open, error in OdbcConnectionCreate: SqlState: 08004, NativeError: 1, 'Error calling: SQLDriverConnect(this->_hdbc, NULL, (SQLWCHAR*)connectionString, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, &cbConnStrOut, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT), SQL return code: -1 | SQL Error Info:  Error <1>: ErrorMsg: [BASIS][BBj ODBC Driver]Required connection information missing.Unable to connect.  Connection string: DRIVER={BBj ODBC Driver};UID=odbc;PWD=YQOCK4Ctgrfu;servernode=TAXSYS_DIRECT_CWB:2001;SERVER=;PORT=2001;| ConnectionPooling: 1 | Error calling: pConn->Create(connectionString, databaseName, useConnectionPooling, packetSize, connectionLoginTimeout, environmentSettings, transactionToken, transactionTokenSize, resourceGroupName, driverCapabilities, spid) | state: FFFF, number: 2, active connections: 1', Connection String: Driver={BBj ODBC Driver};servernode=TAXSYS_DIRECT_CWB:2001;uid=odbc;server=;port=2001.

  • According to this:

    You would put the DSN in the connection options:

    CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE cdata_access_source
    WITH (
    LOCATION = 'odbc://SERVER_URL',
    CONNECTION_OPTIONS = 'DSN=CData Access Sys',
    -- PUSHDOWN = ON | OFF,
    CREDENTIAL = access_creds
  • Pablo,

    Following your syntax enabled me to define the external table.

    But somehow is does not yet allow me to query it:

    Msg 8680, Level 17, State 1, Line 1

    Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during the processing of a remote query phase.





  • I googled a little bit and it could be the account doesn't have permissions, you need to dig further into the logs. Also, take a look here:

  • The only thing in the logs is the message : Failed Stream Scan.  The DSN is working when used in conjunction with a linked server query, so authentication should be no problem.

  • I found your same error message here:

    Give me the results of this query: SELECT * FROM [DWDiagnostics].[dbo].[pdw_errors]

  • The error table contains 10.000 entries, but the following message seems the most relevant?:

    Microsoft.SqlServer.DataWarehouse.Common.Security.MppSecurityException[107035:1]: 107035;Dms authorization failed due to [NOOT\nootbeheer] is not member of group [PdwDataMovementAccess]

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.DataWarehouse.DataMovement.Common.Security.DMSSecurityProvider.RunSecurityRoutineGetNegotiateStream(Stream stream)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.DataWarehouse.DataMovement.Common.Security.DMSSecurityProvider.RunSecurityRoutine(Stream stream, Boolean encryptDataChannels)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.DataWarehouse.DataMovement.MessagingProtocol.ServerConnection.EstablishConnection()

  • I guess this indicates that if you change the account where the 2 services are running under AFTER getting them up or while installing, then the account that  is used after the change lacks the proper  group rights.

    We'' check whether we can remedy this issue..

  • Yes that's correct, see here:

    It mentions: This error is likely due to changing the PolyBase service account. To change the service accounts for the PolyBase Engine and PolyBase Data Movement service, uninstall and reinstall the PolyBase feature.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

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