Use of CONCAT function in datetime column.

  • Hi everyone,

    I have a column named "Date" with a type of "datetime" in SQL 2012.
    This is an example of the data that we have in the field:
    "2011-05-16 00:00:00.000"

    I am doing a GROUPING with a PIVOT table. I would like to use a column por every year-month. (Example: ,201612,201701,201702, ...)

    SELECT CONCAT(DATEPART(YEAR,Date), IIF(DATEPART(MM,Date) <=9, '0', '') , DATEPART(MM,Date)) as YearMonth

    Finally, it works correctly, but I would like to know if this is the "correct" form.
    Could I do this from another way?


  • There's more than one way to do that.
    in my case, the convert function would work nicely, if you include the optional code:
    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10),getdate,112) , where you replace getdate() with your datetime column.
    casting it to varchar(10) strips the time out if it existed.


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  • Lowell - Tuesday, February 14, 2017 10:56 AM

    There's more than one way to do that.
    in my case, the convert function would work nicely, if you include the optional code:
    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10),getdate,112) , where you replace getdate() with your datetime column.
    casting it to varchar(10) strips the time out if it existed.

    Actually, that format doesn't include time. Using a length of 6 would return year and month, and we don't need it to be variable.
    SELECT CONVERT(char(6),GETDATE(), 112)

    Luis C.
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  • Thank you for the help!!

    This form works correctly with the "Date" column

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(06),Date,112)

    It is the solution "200902"

    And the good way is that i don't have to put  the tricky part of IIF(DATEPART(MM,Date) <=9, '0', '') to recover the "0" in the months from 01-09.

    Thank you again for so fast answer


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