use exec or sp_executesql to build SQL dynamically?

  • Good morning,

    I want to build a SQL statment dynamicaaly through a nvarchar variable

    so what is the best .. to use exec or sp_executesql?

    I use it in a stored procedure .. so I want to capture if error happened (throug @@error global variable for example) .. so does exec or sp_executesql support @@error after it?

    thanks for anyone who help.

    Alamir Mohamed

  • yes it does

    sp_executesql has more chance of using a cached execution plan whereas exec will not



  • Another good thing to keep in mind is that if you are using the string to exec anything that has a sysname's or table names etc.. then make variable that holds the string a nvarchar, and using sp_executesql is the only way to go.


    Thanks, and don't forget to Chuckle

  • thanks everybody

    I use sp_executesql and if any error happens ..the @@error varialble will hold it.

    I also take in my mind that any variable you will use in sp_executesql it must be transrefed to nvarchar

    this is an example:

    declare @DailyInvID int

    declare @SqlStmt nvarchar(250)

    set @DailyInvID =1

    set @SqlStmt = 'INSERT INTO Inventory ( DailyInvID, Code )'

    set @SqlStmt = @SqlStmt + ' Values( ' + cast(@DailyInvID as nvarchar) +' , 100)'

    exec sp_executesql @SqlStmt

    if @@Error = 0

    commit transaction


    Rollback transaction

    I hope this help u

    Alamir Mohamed

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