Use Database statement not working in an EXEC statement

  • I was wondering if any one could tell me why the following does not work, and the Database is not switched to the database name I set as @CaseName

    DECLARE @CaseName nvarchar(256)

    Set @CaseName = 'Test'


    EXECUTE ('USE ['+@CaseName+']')

    -- ******************************************************

    -- Create database schemas

    -- ******************************************************

    PRINT ''

    PRINT '*** Creating Database Schemas'






    The EXECUTE ('USE ['+@CaseName+']') statement dos not work, and will not change to my Test database to create the schemas on Test.

  • With the fear of answering this "wrong", I'll throw it out there anyway.

    When I try to use a database dynamically, it's usually within a procedure. Then I can use dynamic SQL to do what I need it to do.

    Here's a quick piece of code that can maybe help you with your situation.

    declare @db varchar(20)

    declare @sql varchar(50)

    set @db = 'test'

    set @sql = 'use [' + @db + ']; select * from table1'

    exec (@sql)

    I'm anxious to see how some of the experts handle this too.

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  • calvo's example is exactly correct, i think; the EXEC() statement is stand alone, and does not affect the session/window it is a part of.

    so to do what you want, you have to switch to dynamic sql, just as calvo demoed; i think this is what you are after specifically:

    declare @sql varchar(50)

    set @sql = 'use [' + +@CaseName + ']; CREATE SCHEMA [RawData] AUTHORIZATION [dbo];CREATE SCHEMA [Artifacts] AUTHORIZATION [dbo];'

    exec (@sql)


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  • use db statement and other statements need to be in same exec for change of db context to work


    set @statement = N'use [' + @name +']'+char(13)+N'exec sp_helpdb [' + @name +']'

    exec sp_executesql @statement


  • Did you look at BOL? Specifically, read the section "Using EXECUTE with a Character String".

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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