Use CASE in WHERE clause to handle SELECT ALL

  • Have a proc that I want to perform selection on a value only if specified in the proc parameter. The following keeps getting a Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 192 Line 192: Incorrect syntax near '>'. Error.


     CASE WHEN @AddressNumber = 0 THEN

     (F06136.YZDTEY >= @FromYear

     AND F06136.YZDTEY <= @ToYear

     AND (F06136.YZAN8 > 0)

     AND (F06136.YZTARA = 'FEDERAL')

     AND (F06136.YZPTAX = 'C'))


     (F06136.YZDTEY >= @FromYear

     AND F06136.YZDTEY <= @ToYear

     AND (F06136.YZAN8 = @AddressNumber)

     AND (F06136.YZTARA = 'FEDERAL')

     AND (F06136.YZPTAX = 'C'))


    Is there a way to correct this and avoid the syntax error or should I consider another approach? Goal is to either use the specified @AddressNumber for selection criteria in the WHERE clause or to select all records without regard for AddressNumber when the @AddressNumber is not valued (or valued 0).

    THANKS for any insights!

  • I think you just need to include an alias, such as:



    END as AddressNumber

  • Made mod to add 'as AddressNumber' to end of CASE... same error received. Any other thoughts?

  • First I will have to assume all AddressNumbers are > 0 anyway. So try this


    F06136.YZDTEY >= @FromYear

    AND F06136.YZDTEY <= @ToYear

    AND (F06136.YZTARA = 'FEDERAL')

    AND (F06136.YZPTAX = 'C')

    AND (F06136.YZAN8 > 0)

    AND ((CASE WHEN @AddressNumber = 0 THEN @AddressNumber ELSE F06136.YZAN8 END) = @AddressNumber)

  • THANKS FORUM for all the efforts.

    I had to change the @AddressNumber to 1 in order for the CASE statement in the WHERE clause to work using Antares636 proposed modifications. Previously this was evaluating as 0=0 and not returning any records. By setting to 1, when the @AddressNumber parameter is passed as blank or 1, then the CASE statement in the WHERE clause evaluates to 1=1 (aka all records).


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