Use a variable as a column name - without dynamic SQL?

  • CREATE TABLE #tblItems


    ItemID int,

    ItemDescription varchar(50),

    ItemDate smalldatetime


    INSERT INTO #tblItems

    (ItemID, ItemDescription, ItemDate)

    SELECT 1, 'Item 1', '01 Jan 2012' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 'Item 2', '03 Jan 2012' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 'Item 10', '14 Jan 2012';

    SELECT ItemID AS [Item ID] FROM #tblItems

    DECLARE @SQLstring nvarchar(500)

    DECLARE @ColName varchar(100)

    SET @ColName = 'Order ID'

    SET @SQLstring = 'SELECT ItemID AS [' + @ColName + '] FROM #tblItems'

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLstring

    DROP Table #tblItems

    I have a column which for some clients might contain an Order Number. For another client it might contain a Job No etc.

    Is it possible to run a SELECT statement in such a way that I can return a Column Name for that column that makes sense to the person viewing it. In the example above the first column is called ItemID. But for Company A I might want to do this:

    Select ItemID AS [Order ID] ...

    whereas for Company B I might want to do this:

    Select ItemID AS [Job Number] ...

    Is there a way of doing this without using dynamic SQL?

  • Not really. You can use a CASE type expressions as


    If @item = 'Job'



    JobID = OrderID

    from #TblItems

    else if @item = 'Order'

    select OrderID = OrderID

    from #tblItems


  • No, you cannot generally variablize column names, Dynamic SQL is how to do this.

    There are some limited ways around it for specific cases, using if statements or other high-level branch techniques to select different queries based on the variable, but they're more trouble than they're worth once it goes beyond more than a couple of choices.

    If you do use Dynamic SQL for this, however, you need to make sure that it's protected against SQL Injection.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Thank you both for your help.

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