Use a select query to assign parameters to a stored procedure

  • Hi,

    I have a stored procedure that accepts 3 parameters - Date, Location and Item and returns the details of the last receipt of the item before the given date for that location. I now need to find the last received cost for a series of transactions (around 5200 lines) that I pull out using a query. These are transfers from our warehouse to a branch and I need to have the cost applicable per line.

    My query to select the three parameters is something like this

    SELECT x.xfer_no, x.from_loc, x.to_loc, x.date_shipped, x.date_entered, x.date_recvd, xl.line_no, xl.part_no, xl.description, xl.shipped, xl.qty_rcvd, xl.UoM, U.Description AS UoM_Desc, xl.conv_factor, xl.cost, IL.avg_cost

    FROMxfers x

    INNER JOINxfer_list xl ON x.xfer_no = xl.xfer_no

    INNER JOINUOM_list U ON xl.UoM = U.UoM

    INNER JOINinv_list IL ON IL.Location = 'xxx' AND IL.Part_no = xl.part_no

    WHERE x.to_loc = 'xxx'

    I want to use the values x.date_recvd, x.to_loc and xl.part_no to be the date, location and item parameter. I then have to add the output of the stored procedure as the last value in the above query so that I am able to cost the transfer.

    I am totally lost... any tips.


  • I have found a solution of sorts for this issue. It is quite messy with a couple of temp tables etc but it appears to work. I am sure some good coding experts can actually make it much smoother and faster. Here is my code

    SELECT idno = 0, x.xfer_no, x.from_loc, x.to_loc, x.date_shipped, x.date_entered, x.date_recvd, xl.line_no, xl.part_no, xl.description,

    xl.shipped, xl.qty_rcvd, xl.UoM, U.Description AS UoM_Desc, xl.conv_factor, xl.cost, IL.avg_cost

    INTO #Xfer_Details

    FROMxfers x

    INNER JOINxfer_list xl ON x.xfer_no = xl.xfer_no

    INNER JOINUOM_list U ON xl.UoM = U.UoM

    INNER JOINinv_list IL ON IL.Location = 'TAV1' AND IL.Part_no = xl.part_no

    WHERE x.to_loc = 'TAV1'


    -- Update IDNo field in temp table #Xfer_details


    SET @ID = 0

    UPDATE #Xfer_details

    SET @ID = idno =@id+1


    -- Create Temp table #Xfer_cost

    CREATE TABLE #Xfer_Cost (

    xfer_date datetime,

    xfer_no INT,

    xfer_line INT,

    From_Loc VARCHAR(10),

    Item VARCHAR(16),

    Item_Description VARCHAR(55),

    Item_UoM VARCHAR(2),

    Receipt_Date VARCHAR(10),

    Last_Receipt_no INT,

    Branch VARCHAR(5),

    Qty_Received DECIMAL(28,8),

    Receipt_UoM CHAR(2),

    UoM_Description VARCHAR(30),

    Conv_Factor DECIMAL(28,8),

    GroupCode VARCHAR(30),

    Resource_Type VARCHAR(30),

    Void VARCHAR(3),

    PO_no INT,

    PO_TaxCode VARCHAR(20),

    Unit_Cost DECIMAL(28,8)


    -- Populate #Xfer_cost - setting parameter values

    DECLARE @IntFlag INT


    SELECT @MaxNo = MAX(IDno) FROM #Xfer_Details

    SET @IntFlag = 1

    WHILE (@IntFlag <= @MaxNo)


    DECLARE @Date DateTime


    DECLARE @Location VARCHAR(16)

    DECLARE @xfer_no INT

    DECLARE @xfer_line INT

    DECLARE @From_loc VARCHAR(10)

    DECLARE @Xfer_date Datetime

    SELECT @date =x.date_shipped , @Item = x.part_no, @Location = x.from_loc, @xfer_no = x.xfer_no, @xfer_line = x.line_no, @from_loc = x.from_loc, @xfer_date = x.date_shipped

    FROM #Xfer_Details x

    WHERE x.Idno = @IntFlag

    -- Populating #Xfer_cost - Calling stored procedure

    INSERT INTO #xfer_cost

    EXEC SnS_LastPriceByItem @Date, @item, @location, @xfer_no, @xfer_line, @from_loc, @xfer_date

    SET @IntFlag = @IntFlag + 1



    -- Final Select from #Xfer_Cost

    SELECTx.IDno, x.xfer_no, x.line_no, x.from_loc, x.to_loc, x.date_shipped, x.date_recvd, x.part_no, x.description, x.shipped, x.qty_rcvd, x.UoM, x.UoM_Desc, x.conv_factor,

    x.cost, x.avg_cost, c.branch, c.receipt_date, c.last_receipt_no, c.qty_received, c.receipt_uom, c.uom_description, c.conv_factor, c.groupcode, c.resource_type,

    c.po_no, c.po_taxcode, c.unit_cost, VEPPieceCost =

    CASEWHEN PO_TaxCode = 'INPVEP' THEN unit_cost/c.conv_factor

    WHEN PO_TaxCode = 'INPVIP' THEN (unit_cost/c.conv_factor)/1.15

    WHEN PO_TaxCode = 'EXEMPT' THEN unit_cost/c.conv_factor


    FROM #xfer_Details X

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #xfer_cost C ON X.xfer_no = C.xfer_no AND X.line_no = C.xfer_line

    -- Clean up temp tables

    DROP TABLE #Xfer_Details

    DROP TABLE #Xfer_Cost

    All constructive comments are invited.

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