• If the employee was paid 90K and refused to learn anything new, of course he or she should be fired.  After all these years in business, I never stop learning new technology.  Keep your knowledge up to date is the key.

    It is cheap to hire H1 and new graduates, and I am sure they are very smart too, but what they do not have is experiences.  Business experiences is important too.  You learnt from your mistake.  One of boss in my old company thought the new grad was cheap so he fired all the old one and hired new grad.  5 years later, he regretted the hell out of himself.  The system was a mess, the codes were unreadable.  Then he started hiring back experienced employees.  A good lesson to learn.  For H1 employees, they just want the company to sponsor them to stay in this country, once they get the green card, they resign the next day.

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