May 25, 2004 at 7:55 am
Urgent help required please...
I am having big problems with a View within our Database.
At the core of the View is a Table containing 680,000 records. This Table is linked to 10+ other Tables in order to form a denormalised recordset to be used to build a Cube.
Last week this View worked fine. It returned 680,000 records in 35 seconds (not sure if that is a good time or not). However, at the end of last week I rename one of the Columns. This column does not link to other Tables.
Now, since this change (plus 100 extra records added)...
If I do....
Select count(*) from vwTest
This takes 4 seconds and returned the correct number of rows.
However, if I do
Select top 1 * from vwTest, after 4 minutes it still hasn't worked.
Why is select count and select top so vastly different. What could possible be wrong with the View. I can open it in designer etc and it looks OK.
Here is the SQL.
SELECT dbo.tcOrder.System_Code, dbo.trSystem.System_Description AS System, dbo.tcOrder.Order_Number,
dbo.trReportingRegion.Reporting_Region_Description AS Reporting_Region, dbo.tcOrder.Global_Production_Location_Code,
dbo.trGlobalProductionLocation.Global_Production_Location, dbo.tcProduct.Product_Description, dbo.tcOrder.Product_Delivery_Lead_Time,
dbo.trProductionTeam.Production_Team_Description AS Production_Team, dbo.tcProduct.Global_Master_Customer_Code AS Master_Customer_Code,
dbo.trMasterCustomer.Master_Customer_Name AS Master_Customer, dbo.trFamily.Family_Description AS Product_Family,
dbo.tcProduct.Report_Group, dbo.tcProduct.Global_Product_Line_Code, dbo.trGlobalProductLine.Global_Product_Line, dbo.tcProduct.Program_Name,
trRegion_Request.Region_Name AS Ship_To_Region, trRegion_Deliver_To.Region_Name AS Deliver_To_Region,
dbo.tcOrder.Date_Received AS Order_Receive_Date, dbo.tcOrder.Resolution_Date_Of_Last_Hold_Reason,
dbo.tcOrder.Global_Production_Location_Received_Date, dbo.tcOrder.Date_Sent_To_Production, dbo.tcOrder.Packed_Date,
dbo.tcOrder.Shipment_Due_Date, dbo.tcOrder.Shipment_Date, dbo.tcOrder.Quantity_Shipped, dbo.tcOrder.Order_Value_In_USD,
dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.Local_Product_Line, dbo.tcOrder.Turn_Time_Calculation_Start_Date,
dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_Waiting_For_Production, dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_To_Produce,
dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_Waiting_For_Shipment, dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_In_Production,
dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_Shipped_Early_Or_Late, dbo.tcOrder.Total_Turn_Time,
dbo.tcOrder.Adjusted_Number_Of_Days_Shipped_Early_Or_Late, dbo.tcOrder.Adjusted_Total_Turn_Time, dbo.tcOrder.Reason_Code,
tcCustomerMaster_Ship_To.Region_Code, dbo.trReason.Reason, dbo.trBusinessUnitAssignment.Business_Unit
dbo.trSystem ON dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = dbo.trSystem.System_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trGlobalProductionLocation ON
dbo.tcOrder.Global_Production_Location_Code = dbo.trGlobalProductionLocation.Global_Production_Location_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trReportingRegion ON dbo.trGlobalProductionLocation.Reporting_Region_Code = dbo.trReportingRegion.Reporting_Region_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.tcProduct ON dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = dbo.tcProduct.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.Product_Number = dbo.tcProduct.Product_Number INNER JOIN
dbo.trMasterCustomer ON dbo.tcProduct.Global_Master_Customer_Code = dbo.trMasterCustomer.Master_Customer_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trFamily ON dbo.tcProduct.System_Code = dbo.trFamily.System_Code AND dbo.tcProduct.Family_Code = dbo.trFamily.Family_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trGlobalProductLine ON dbo.tcProduct.Global_Product_Line_Code = dbo.trGlobalProductLine.Global_Product_Line_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trReason ON dbo.tcOrder.Reason_Code = dbo.trReason.Reason_Code LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.trBusinessUnitAssignment ON dbo.trMasterCustomer.Master_Customer_Code = dbo.trBusinessUnitAssignment.Master_Customer_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.Global_Production_Location_Code = dbo.trBusinessUnitAssignment.Global_Production_Location_Code LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tcCustomerMaster tcCustomerMaster_Deliver_To LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.trRegion trRegion_Deliver_To ON tcCustomerMaster_Deliver_To.System_Code = trRegion_Deliver_To.System_Code AND
tcCustomerMaster_Deliver_To.Region_Code = trRegion_Deliver_To.Region_Code ON
dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = tcCustomerMaster_Deliver_To.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = tcCustomerMaster_Deliver_To.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = tcCustomerMaster_Deliver_To.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = tcCustomerMaster_Deliver_To.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.Deliver_To_Account_Number = tcCustomerMaster_Deliver_To.Account_Number LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tcCustomerMaster tcCustomerMaster_Ship_To LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.trRegion trRegion_Request ON tcCustomerMaster_Ship_To.Region_Code = trRegion_Request.Region_Code AND
tcCustomerMaster_Ship_To.System_Code = trRegion_Request.System_Code ON
dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = tcCustomerMaster_Ship_To.System_Code AND dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = tcCustomerMaster_Ship_To.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = tcCustomerMaster_Ship_To.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = tcCustomerMaster_Ship_To.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.Ship_To_Account_Number = tcCustomerMaster_Ship_To.Account_Number LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.trProductionTeam INNER JOIN
dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation ON
dbo.trProductionTeam.Production_Team_Code = dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.Production_Team_Code ON
dbo.trGlobalProductionLocation.Global_Production_Location_Code = dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.Global_Production_Location_Code AND
dbo.tcProduct.System_Code = dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.System_Code AND
dbo.tcProduct.Product_Number = dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.Product_Number
WHERE (dbo.tcOrder.Shipment_Date >=
(SELECT [Data_Cube_Minimum_Shipment_Date]
FROM trWPR2Settings)) AND (dbo.tcOrder.Shipment_Date <=
(SELECT [Data_Cube_Maximum_Shipment_Date]
FROM trWPR2Settings))
May 25, 2004 at 8:16 am
What column specifically did you change?
Did you ALTER the view after to made the column name change?
Has the WHERE clause shipment date span changed? Run the SELECT TOP 1 * manually on the main table, then add the JOINed tables one at a time to diagnose the views issues.
Note, I'd like to see the trWPR2Settings JOINed as a derived table for possibly better performance.
Have fun.
Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together
May 25, 2004 at 9:31 am
The view I changed its one of the selected Columns in this view. It is a column in the tcOrder file. The column too had nothing to do with Indexes either so I thought it would be a safe change to make.
I haven't altered the View at all. Just ran it after the column renaming and bosh... the view goes from 30 seconds execution time to ... well, I haven't seen it finish, I know that it is more than 22 minutes though.
I don't really know what performance to expect from SQL for this sort of thing. I am self taught so don't really know what target to aim for. I have checked out all the indexes and everything looks fine.
Please could you explain the derived table functionality you mentioned.
May 25, 2004 at 9:48 am
As far as the "derived" table usage, give this a try...
Replace your entire WHERE clause with something like...
[Data_Cube_Minimum_Shipment_Date] as MinDate,
[Data_Cube_Maximum_Shipment_Date] as MaxDate
FROM trWPR2Settings ) Derived
ON dbo.tcOrder.Shipment_Date BETWEEN Derived.MinDate and Derived.MaxDate
Even though if trWPR2Settings only has 1 record, then a regular INNER JOIN could work.
This is just an example, but the number of records & tables you are trying to get, you can really spend some time on this query and most likely optimize its performance. Again, manually create the SELECT again by adding 1 join at a time to see incrementally how each JOIN affect the result time, then target the worst ones first for optimization.
Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together
May 26, 2004 at 5:08 am
Hi Neil,
Does any of the SQLs involved use ORDER BY ?
Can you rename the column back to its old name and gather execution plan ?
A simple comparation of execution plans may reveal the cause for the problem.
Also, I would check/update statistics on the affected table.
Goce Smilevski.
May 26, 2004 at 8:55 am
Thankyou for your ideas.
I have tried the derived Table link and this is the results.
Prior to adding the derived link to my select the view took 45 seconds when executing a select * from it in Query Analyser.
When I add the derived Tables code this execution time rockets up to 3 minutes 10 seconds.
Surely I am not doing something too complicated?
My SQL code as it stands currently is...
SELECT dbo.tcOrder.System_Code, dbo.trSystem.System_Description AS System, dbo.trReportingRegion.Reporting_Region_Description AS Reporting_Region,
dbo.tcOrder.Global_Production_Location_Code, dbo.trGlobalProductionLocation.Global_Production_Location, dbo.tcProduct.Product_Description,
dbo.tcOrder.Product_Delivery_Lead_Time, dbo.trProductionTeam.Production_Team_Description AS Production_Team,
dbo.tcProduct.Global_Master_Customer_Code AS Master_Customer_Code, dbo.trMasterCustomer.Master_Customer_Name AS Master_Customer,
dbo.trFamily.Family_Description AS Product_Family, dbo.tcProduct.Report_Group, dbo.tcProduct.Global_Product_Line_Code,
dbo.trGlobalProductLine.Global_Product_Line, dbo.tcProduct.Program_Name, Region_ShipTo.Region_Name AS Ship_To_Region,
Region_DeliverTo.Region_Name AS Deliver_To_Region, dbo.tcOrder.Shipment_Date, dbo.tcOrder.Quantity_Shipped, dbo.tcOrder.Order_Value_In_USD,
dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.Local_Product_Line, dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_Waiting_For_Production,
dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_To_Produce, dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_Waiting_For_Shipment, dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_In_Production,
dbo.tcOrder.Number_Of_Days_Shipped_Early_Or_Late, dbo.tcOrder.Total_Turn_Time,
dbo.tcOrder.Adjusted_Number_Of_Days_Shipped_Early_Or_Late, dbo.tcOrder.Adjusted_Total_Turn_Time, dbo.tcOrder.Reason_Code,
dbo.trReason.Reason, dbo.trBusinessUnitAssignment.Business_Unit
FROM dbo.trProductionTeam RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation INNER JOIN
dbo.tcOrder INNER JOIN
dbo.trSystem ON dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = dbo.trSystem.System_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trGlobalProductionLocation ON
dbo.tcOrder.Global_Production_Location_Code = dbo.trGlobalProductionLocation.Global_Production_Location_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trReportingRegion ON dbo.trGlobalProductionLocation.Reporting_Region_Code = dbo.trReportingRegion.Reporting_Region_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.tcProduct ON dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = dbo.tcProduct.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.Product_Number = dbo.tcProduct.Product_Number INNER JOIN
dbo.trMasterCustomer ON dbo.tcProduct.Global_Master_Customer_Code = dbo.trMasterCustomer.Master_Customer_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trFamily ON dbo.tcProduct.System_Code = dbo.trFamily.System_Code AND dbo.tcProduct.Family_Code = dbo.trFamily.Family_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trGlobalProductLine ON dbo.tcProduct.Global_Product_Line_Code = dbo.trGlobalProductLine.Global_Product_Line_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.trReason ON dbo.tcOrder.Reason_Code = dbo.trReason.Reason_Code ON
dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.System_Code = dbo.tcOrder.System_Code AND
dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.Product_Number = dbo.tcOrder.Product_Number AND
dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.Global_Production_Location_Code = dbo.tcOrder.Global_Production_Location_Code ON
dbo.trProductionTeam.Production_Team_Code = dbo.tcProductGlobalProductionLocation.Production_Team_Code LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.trRegion Region_ShipTo INNER JOIN
dbo.tcCustomerMaster CustomerMaster_ShipTo ON Region_ShipTo.System_Code = CustomerMaster_ShipTo.System_Code AND
Region_ShipTo.Region_Code = CustomerMaster_ShipTo.Region_Code ON dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = CustomerMaster_ShipTo.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.Ship_To_Account_Number = CustomerMaster_ShipTo.Account_Number LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tcCustomerMaster CustomerMaster_DeliverTo RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.trRegion Region_DeliverTo ON CustomerMaster_DeliverTo.System_Code = Region_DeliverTo.System_Code AND
CustomerMaster_DeliverTo.Region_Code = Region_DeliverTo.Region_Code ON
dbo.tcOrder.System_Code = CustomerMaster_DeliverTo.System_Code AND
dbo.tcOrder.Deliver_To_Account_Number = CustomerMaster_DeliverTo.Account_Number LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.trBusinessUnitAssignment ON
dbo.tcOrder.Global_Production_Location_Code = dbo.trBusinessUnitAssignment.Global_Production_Location_Code AND
dbo.trMasterCustomer.Master_Customer_Code = dbo.trBusinessUnitAssignment.Master_Customer_Code INNER JOIN
(SELECT TOP 1 [Data_Cube_Minimum_Shipment_Date] AS MinDate, [Data_Cube_Maximum_Shipment_Date] AS MaxDate
FROM trWPR2Settings) Derived ON dbo.tcOrder.Shipment_Date BETWEEN Derived.MinDate AND Derived.MaxDate
May 26, 2004 at 9:16 am
Changing things can make a big difference....
Anyway, I noticed that you have an INNER JOIN on [dbo.tcorder] without an ON clause ??? This should give you an error ???? (same with [dbo.trRegion Region_ShipTo], [dbo.tcCustomerMaster CustomerMaster_DeliverTo])
Also, your INNER JOIN [dbo.trReason] has 2 ON clauses ????
As far as performance, you could...
-- To get rid of the Derived table, and the access to trWPR2Settings within the SELECT
-- Before the SELECT
Declare @MinDate DateTime, @MaxDate DateTime
SELECT TOP 1 @MinDate = [Data_Cube_Minimum_Shipment_Date],
@MaxDate = [Data_Cube_Maximum_Shipment_Date]
FROM trWPR2Settings
-- Then somewhere (Either the WHERE, or the ON clause) put
dbo.tcOrder.Shipment_Date BETWEEN @MinDate AND @MaxDate
There are other things to do also.... Again, work with 1 table at a time, and see which one gives you a performance hit, then tweak.
Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together
May 27, 2004 at 3:44 am
Thankyou for your comments.
I will copy the SQL into NotePad and format the joins to identify any duplicates. I don't understand why they are in there as I am using the SQL View Designer. Was hoping that the SQL this produced would be OK. I know my joins in the Database Diagram are OK.
I like your idea of performing the select first to obtain the dates. However, if my understanding is OK I thought a View can only work on one select at a time so I couldn't use this type of code?
May 27, 2004 at 7:12 am
Yes, you are correct in that a VIEW has to be a SELECT statement. I often think of a T-SQL script to do the work when "CREATE VIEW..." is not in the segment of code I'm looking at. However, unless you specifically need a VIEW, in many cases a T-SQL "script" producing the result set may provide performance benifits.
Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together
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