URGENT Proper Case (AKA Title or Sentence Case) Function

  • We have UPPER() and LOWER() but SQL Svr 2k does not have a function to put strings into their proper case.  i.e. Bob vs bob or BOB, O'Mally vs o'mally or O'MALLY or O'mally, etc.  Does anyone have a good (read fast) function to do this?


    Kurt Allebach

  • Well, it doesn't treat o'malley as O'Malley, but it's close..

    (you have to modify yourself for that)

    Anyway, here's a combined properCase and whitespace trimmer UDF I wrote. Use it if you like it.

    -- Script downloaded 5/6/2004 5:06:34 AM

    -- From The SQL Server Worldwide User's Group (www.sswug.org)

    -- Scripts provided AS-IS without warranty of any kind use at your own risk

    if object_id('dbo.properCase') is not null drop function dbo.properCase


    create function dbo.properCase ( @string varchar(8000) )

    returns varchar(8000)


    -- T-SQL combined whitespace trimmer and 'proper case' function - SQL Server 2000

    -- 2002-10-23 © Kenneth Wilhelmsson

    -- Example: Select dbo.properCase(notes) from pubs..titles to see all notes proper cased.

    -- Example2: select dbo.properCase(' a somewhat irregular string ')


    -- return null if input is null

    if ( @string is null ) return null

    declare @test varchar(8000), @propcase varchar(8000)

    -- init

    select @propcase = ''

    -- remove embedded multiple spaces between words

    -- we do this by replacing 2 spaces with 1 as long as there are pairs...

    while patindex('% %', @string) > 0


    select @string = replace(@string,' ',' ')


    -- if we still have leading spaces..

    while substring(@string,1,1) = ' '


    set @string = substring(@string,2,8000)


    -- or trailing spaces...

    set @string = reverse(@string)

    while substring(@string,1,1) = ' '


    set @string = substring(@string,2,8000)


    set @string = reverse(@string)

    -- done, if there still are spaces inside, begin...

    while patindex('% %',@string) > 0


    -- grab the first 'word'

    set @test = substring(@string,1,charindex(' ',@string))

    -- then propCase it

    set @test = upper(substring(@test,1,1)) +

    lower(substring(@test,2,len(@test)-1)) + ' '

    -- save away the cased word

    set @propcase = @propcase + @test

    -- trim the string from the used 'word'

    set @string = substring(@string,(len(@test)+2),8000)

    -- if there are more spaces - do it all over again with the next 'word'....

    -- except, if the 2nd next char is a space - then trim away one

    while substring(@string,1,1) = ' ' and substring(@string,2,1) = ' '


    set @string = substring(@string,2,8000)



    -- if no spaces, it's a single word, or the last word from the loop....

    if patindex('% %',@string) = 0


    -- then just propCase the single word

    set @test = upper(substring(@string,1,1)) +


    -- save away the cased word

    set @propcase = @propcase + @test


    -- done

    return @propcase



  • CREATE FUNCTION xProper(@StringVal AS Varchar(8000)) RETURNS Varchar(8000)


     Declare @Char As Varchar(1), @Len As Int, @NewVal As Varchar(8000), @Pos As Int, @PrevChar AS Varchar(1)

     If @StringVal Is Null Return Null

     Select @Char='', @NewVal='', @Pos = 1, @Len=DATALENGTH(@StringVal), @StringVal=Upper(@StringVal)

     WHILE @Pos <= @Len BEGIN

      Set @Char=SUBSTRING(@StringVal, @Pos, 1)

      Set @PrevChar=SUBSTRING(@StringVal, @Pos-1, 1)

      If ASCII(@PrevChar) Between 65 And 90 OR ASCII(@PrevChar) Between 97 And 122 Set @Char=Lower(@Char)

       Set @NewVal=@NewVal + @Char

       SET @Pos = @Pos + 1


     RETURN @NewVal



  • A nice and short UDF.

    It does have some limitations, though.

    While it cases o'malley as O'Malley successfully, it also cases words like don't and can't as Don'T and Can'T.

    For many of you a-z speaking guys the method of using ascii ranges is good enough, however for us with extended ascii in our languages, this won't work. The lack of extended ascii support makes casing rather eLiTe looking.

    eg 'jag äter rökt ål' becomes 'Jag ÄTer RöKt ÅL'

    ..for the curious this means 'I Eat Smoked Eel'

    Anyway, bottom line is that I don't think there is any perfect 'propcaser' anywhere. It's always difficult to handle the exceptions. (like MacDuff or McDuff etc..)


  • Thx to all.  To date I have recieved 6 scripts and we are testing each for function and performance.  We may use one as is or combine with elements from many.  In any case I will be posting my results shortly.  Stay tuned.


    Kurt Allebach

  • Kurt,

    You may also want to try this:

    This function will evaluate an input string and convert it to title-case format. It uses the delimchars parameter to determine what are the triggering characters to indicate capitalization of the subsequent character.<BR>I am using it in a DTS package to convert data in CAPS to Title/Proper case as I output the data to an Excel file.


    /*This function will evaluate an input string and convert it to title-case format.

    it uses the delimchars parameter to determine what are the triggering characters

     to indicate capitalization of the subsequent character*/

    CREATE FUNCTION  fnTitleCase (@instring nvarchar(256))

    RETURNS nvarchar(256)



      DECLARE @strptr INT

      DECLARE @outstring nvarchar(255)

      DECLARE @strChar char(1)

      DECLARE @delimchars nvarchar(256)

      SET @outstring = ''

      SET @strptr = 0

      IF @delimchars is NULL

        /* Plug in typical upper-case delimiters

     NOTE: For localization purposes, you may wish to modify this */

        SET @delimchars = ' ''-_.,'

      /* Loop through the entire string */

      WHILE @strPtr < len(RTRIM(@instring))


          SET @strptr = @strptr + 1

          SET @strchar = SUBSTRING(@instring,@strptr,1)

          IF @strptr = 1

     /* Assume that first character must always being upper-cased*/

            SET @outstring = UPPER(@strchar)


    /*Check for other upper-case trigger character */

            IF CHARINDEX(SUBSTRING(@instring,(@strptr - 1),1),@delimchars) > 0

    --          SET @outstring = SUBSTRING(@outstring,1,@strptr)+UPPER(@strchar)

              SET @outstring = @outstring+UPPER(@strchar)


              SET @outstring = @outstring+LOWER(@strchar)


       RETURN @outstring






  • Here is my contribution to this old question:


    CREATE  FUNCTION dbo.udf_ProperCase

     (@StringVal AS Varchar(8000))

    RETURNS Varchar(8000)




        <descr>Returns a string as proper case using ASCII values

      After scouring the internet, found many, many proper case functions

      but this was the only one that handled all of the following:

      B.C., N.W.T., A.J.M., G/L, R.C.M.P., C E, Brenda J., Jo-Anne, Donald Brian, Nikka L. A., Allan (Harland)

      The contribution was from:


      Contributor RobertPaquette

      ...HOWEVER, it DID NOT handle JAY'S or addresses like 8th.  So, I customized it to handle this


       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('hi')

       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('')

       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('O''Reilly')

       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('Jay''s')

       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('JAY''S')

       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('Jay''s Moving')

       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('R.C.M.P')

       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('R.C.M.P.')

       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('G/L')

       SELECT dbo.udf_ProperCase('8TH')


         <parm nm='@StringVal'>

             <descr>Input string</descr>     











      @Char AS VARCHAR(1)

      , @Len AS INT

      , @NewVal AS VARCHAR(8000)

      , @Pos AS INT

      , @PrevChar AS VARCHAR(1)

      , @NextChar AS VARCHAR(1) --added

     IF @StringVal IS NULL




      , @NewVal=''

      , @Pos = 1

      , @Len=DATALENGTH(@StringVal)

      , @StringVal=Upper(@StringVal)

     WHILE @Pos <= @Len


       SET @Char=SUBSTRING(@StringVal, @Pos, 1)

       SET @PrevChar=SUBSTRING(@StringVal, @Pos-1, 1)

       SET @NextChar=SUBSTRING(@StringVal, @Pos+1, 1) --added

       IF ASCII(@PrevChar) = 39 --if ' added

       BEGIN --added

        --if at end of string then datalength will be 0 and this character should NOT be capitalized

        IF DATALENGTH(@NextChar) = 0 --added

         SET @Char=LOWER(@Char) --added



         --if next character is a space than the letter should NOT be capitalized

         IF ASCII(@NextChar) = 32 --added

          SET @Char=LOWER(@Char) --added


          SET @Char=UPPER(@Char) --added


       END --added



        IF ASCII(@PrevChar) Between 65 And 90 OR ASCII(@PrevChar) Between 97 And 122

         SET @Char=LOWER(@Char)

        ELSE --added

        BEGIN --added

         --if previous character was a number then change the case to a lower

         IF ASCII(@PrevChar) Between 48 And 57 --added

          SET @Char = LOWER(@Char) --added

         ELSE --added

          SET @Char=UPPER(@Char) --added



       SET @NewVal=@NewVal + @Char

       SET @Pos = @Pos + 1



    -- RETURN @NewVal


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