Urgent HELP Needed... Retriving a deleted table

  • I have accidentally deleted a table using the EM and am wondering how to retrieve it... or is it even possible to do so without restoring it from tape? I appreciate any and all help.

  • You have to restore database and get it from restored daatbase.

  • Thank you... That's what I've done.

  • LiteSpeed from Imceda, would allow you to recover one individual table from the backup file, without recovering the whole database.



    Douglas Chrystall

    Imceda Software


  • OR, you can restore the database to a new name (eg: if your database was called SYDSALES, restore a read-only copy as SYDSALES_RESTORE). Then all you've got to do is a cross database insert to copy only the table back into the database (eg: INSERT INTO SYDSALES.MISSINGTABLE SELECT * FROM SYDSALES_RESTORE.MISSINGTABLE).

    Julian Kuiters

  • Thank you Douglas and Julian. Good work around in recovering the missing table. I'll certainly remember that next time Also will look at Douglas' software. Thanks again. It's so nice to know such a wealth of knowledge is available in just a few clicks away.

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